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Q: Normal urination for a toddler in one day?
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Related questions

What is the difference between constant urination and frequent urination?

The difference between constant urination and frequent urination is that with constant urination one is always feeling the need to urinate. With frequent urination one needs to urinate often but not all the time.

Is it normal in toodlers not to eat?

Loss of appetitie in a toddler is a symptom of some kind of ailment, better you get to the doctor and have the little one checked.

Could you be a model one day?

Yes you could even become a model when your a toddler! Anyone who tries CAN be a model!

Is passing stool once a day normal?

Yes, one to two times a day is normal. It would not be normal if you did not "stool" at all in a ady.

Where can one buy toddler clothing?

One can buy toddler clothing from Carters and Zulily. One can also buy toddler clothing from REI, Crazy 8, JC Penney, Walmart, Toys R Us, Amazon, and eBay.

When will you have babies?

i have a 2.9 yr young toddler and i plan to have another one before my toddler turns 5.

What is the meaning of 'toddler'?

A toddler is a child who has just learned to walk, somewhere between one and three years.

Where can one purchase a travel toddler bed?

One can purchase travel toddler beds from many different stores and retailers. Some examples that sell travel toddler beds include Diapers, Giggle, and Walmart.

What is normal incidence?

A normal incidence is one that could happen on any given day.

What is a preferred game for toddler?

This will depend on the toddler's interests. Popular toddler games include: Salt Playdough, Leaping Lilypads and interactive soft toys. All of which will keep one's toddler occupied and also aid with learning.

What two ways is alcohol excreted?

If there is two, I could only guess urination and sweating.

Should one purchase a toddler bed?

Many organisations recommend using a toddler bed before a child makes the transition to a normal bed, including but not restricted to for safety reasons as it may not be safe for a small child to wonder around the house whilst everyone around them is asleep.