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I am not pregnant and i am not on Birth Control pill and have clear fluid coming from my nipple what can cause this symptom?

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Q: Not pregnant and clear fluid coming out your nipple what is that?
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Could you be pregnant if you see a clear fluid discharge from your both nipples?

Clear fluid coming from your nipple can be due to nipple stimulation, hormonal imbalance, or pregnancy. See your health care provider for an exam.

When i squeeze my nipple clear liquid is coming out but I've been gettin my period could i still be pregnant?

Probably not. Getting your period is a pretty reliable sign that you are not pregnant. It's normal to secrete small amounts of fluid from you nipples. If it seems excessive, consult your doctor. Well my daughter is 11 and she has liquid coming out of her nipples what does that mean??

You had what you think was implantation bleeding about the 1st of feb then on the 6th of feb you started a very light period you're feeling sick and have fluid coming from your nipple?

This question was already, asked your not pregnant. Breast milk don't produce until the 8-9month. You're not pregnant and if you do have fluid coming from your breast it isn't normal and all it means is your hormones are out of whack and no you're not pregnant.

What kind of fluid is discharged if you are pregnant?

Clear Vaginal Mucus

You think you may be pregnant but you have this white liquid coming out of you can you be pregnant?

Yes. but your vaginal lubrication fluid color normally ranges from clear to milky. The color does not indicate whether you are pregnant or not.

Is clear sticky fluid from tender breast a sign of early pregnancy?

Yes its a possibilty definately. But you should see a doctor to be sure. If you are pregnant the clear sticky fluid coming out of your breast, is what helps build your baby's immune system the first few days its born.

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What is the clear sticky fluid coming out of a open scar after brain surgery?

The clear sticky fluid that spreads from an open wound on your head is lymph; if it is infected, it is pus.

What are the small bumps around a womans nipples for?

When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.

If you might be a week pregnant and when you sqeeze your breastclear water comes out does it mean that you are definetly pregnant?

Either way you should see a doctor, because if you're not pregnant and you have this clear fluid, then there is some reason for that. NO!!!! Anytime I squeeze mine I have some clear milky stuff coming out of both. I had a baby 3 years ago and I have asked my OB-GYN and it is TOTALLY NORMAL AND HEALTHY. I am NOT pregnant.

What is the sore tender spots on your head that has clear fluid and blood coming out of them?

Your Anus!!

Whats is clear fluid leaking while pregnant in the 5th month?

This fluid is know as colostrum and happens as the body prepares for the birth of your baby.