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Q: Nutrients do not flow in one direction in the ecosystem they recycle through the ecosystem?
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The movements of energy and nutrients through living systems are different because of what?

energy flows in one direction and nutrients recycle.

What cycles recycle matter through an ecosystem?

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What would happen if you didn't recycle abiotic elements in your ecosystem?

The matter would begin to pile up in an ecosystem and the level of nutrients in the soil would eventually start to decrease, which would affect plant growth. Matter is constantly cycled through ecosystems, and this cycling is what provides a constant supply of nutrients for plants.

These organisms work together to recycle materials through an ecosystem?

The organisms that work together to recycle materials through an ecosystems are the producers, consumers, and decomposers. When producers and consumers die, decomposers recycle the dead material.

What moves through organisms at each trophic level of an ecosystem?


Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called?

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called producers. Most plants are producers, as they manufacture organic nutrients through the process of photosynthesis.

What is cycled through an ecosystem from organisms to the environment and back again?


How is movement of matter and energy through an ecosystem different?

An example of the transfer of energy is the food chain. This is different from movement of basic elements in the ecosystem because energy gets used, not just moved.

Which kingdom would eukaryotic organism that have a cell wall and help recycle nutrients through the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic material be classified?

A fungi is an eukaryotic organism that has a cell wall and breaks down dead organic material.

Besides energy what moves through the organism at each trophic level of an ecosystem?


Why is nutrient cycling important in ecosystems?

It is important to recycle nutrients in an ecosystem so the depletion of Earth's natural resources can be reduced. To maintain the balance of these nutrients in the system and to ensure that the total amount remains the same can only be achieved through recycling.

How do chemicals move through an ecosystem?

Chemical nutrients can move through an ecosystem through plants. The plants can extract chemical nutrients from the ground and when animals eat green plants, they transfer from plants to animals.