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Yes, oceans cover more of Earth's surface than land. The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface and contain 97 percent of the Earth's water.

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Q: Oceans cover more of Earth's surface than land?
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How much of earths is covered by water?

Roughly 75% of Earths Surface is covered by water. (including the Oceans, lakes and land Ice).

Does the ocean cover less area than the land?

no water covers 71% of the earths surface and land 29%

Does the ocean or the continents cover more of the earths surface?

The world is about 30% land and about 70% water

What is bigger water or land?

Oceans make up 70% of the earths surface while land makes up only 30%. There is more water than land.

Is more of earth covered with land or water?

Water! The oceans alone cover about 70% of the earth's surface.

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Asia represents about 30% of the land area of Earth, or about 9% of the total surface.

How many drops of water are in all the oceans of earth. ocean covers 23 of earths surface and average of 4000 meters deep?

A volume of water in Earth's oceans is, according to Wikipedia, 1 320 000 000 km³. You could calculate how many drops is that if you could provide any definition of 'drop' unit. Also, oceans do cover 77% of Earth's surface and the 23% is land.

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Running/ moving water or oceans. Any kind of water.

Is there anything on the surface of Earth?

There is a huge amount on the Earths surface such as Seas and Oceans, Ice caps, Land, mountains, desert, forest, People, Animals, buildings, roads, vehicles etc.

Why does more photosynthesis take place in the ocean than on land?

This is mainly because the oceans cover more than twice as much surface area than does land.