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Q: Odysseus makes a wish as he battles a terrible storm after leaving Calypso's island. Which Greek value does his wish reflect?
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After leaving Calypso's island Odysseus is in a terrible storm He makes a wish during the storm Which Greek value is shown in his wish?


What happens to Odysseus ater he leaves calypsos island in Book v?

After leaving Calypso's island in Book V of Homer's "The Odyssey", Odysseus faces many challenges on his journey home. He encounters a storm created by the wrath of Poseidon, he is shipwrecked on the island of the Phaeacians, and he is finally helped by Princess Nausicaa. Ultimately, he reaches the safety of the Phaeacian court.

What does Odysseus do as he is leaving the island of the cyclops?


What reason does Odysseus give for not leaving?

he ate the wild kitten

Where do Odysseus and his men go after leaving troy?

to the island of the cicones

What does Odysseus do at the island of Aeolia?

Odysseus regales Aeolus with stories of the war at Troy for a month, before leaving. When he returns, Odysseus begs Aeolus for more help, but he is denied.

What did the giant cyclopes hurl at Odysseus and his men as they were leaving?

A big rock.

How does Agamemnon hear about Odysseus's homecoming?

Odysseus meets Agamemnon's ghost in Hades, after initially leaving Circe's island.

Who did Odysseus meet after he talked to Teiresias in the land of the dead?

Immediately after, Odysseus talked to his dead mother, Anticlea.After leaving the land of the dead, Odysseus goes back and talks to Circe.

What greek value does Odysseus reflects as he is leaving calpso's island?

Bravery in battle

Where does circe tell Odysseus he must go before leaving her?

The land of the deads

How do Odysseus' men disobey him?

They open the bag of winds, blowing them away from home.