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Q: Often at the bottom of the food chain?
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What is often at the bottom of a food chain?


What animal is often on the bottom of the food chain?


These are often at the bottom of the food chain?

Producers and then herbivors are often at the bottom of the food chains.

What is often at the bottom of food chain?

Plants are usually at the bottom of the food chain. The thing at the bottom of the food chain has to be able to make its own food, if it ate anything it would no longer be at the bottom of the food chain. Plants make their own food from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight in a process called photosynthesis. i agree and would just like to add the sun isn't the bottem of the food chain

Are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

No. Producers are at the bottom of the food chain.

What is the bottom of the food chain called?

The bottom of the food chain is the plant or the producer.

What is often at the bottem of the food chain and why?

Plants or specific types of bacteria are often at the bottom of a food chain. Other animals or plant eat them, like a black rhino eats leaves.

Is a consumer always at the bottom of the food chain?

The consumer is always at the top, or end of the food chain. Producers are at the bottom, or beginning of the food chain.

Am often at the bottom of the food chain who am?

a producer/plant like algee most likely grass

What must be true about the organisms at the bottom of the food chain?

the organisms in the bottom of the food chain are usually producers.

What animal is at bottom of food chain?

In the ocean, plankton is at the bottom of the food chain. On land, tiny invertebrates .

Are mosquitoes at the bottom or the top of the food chain?
