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Unless its going to be another spin-off it WILL have Link

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Q: Ok you heard that the new legend of Zelda for wii not twilight princess will not have link in it is that true?
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yes. you can. its rather like a playstation. you know. up, down, left, cicrle. look on some forums and see if u can find

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they are making a Zelda film. from what I've heard it will be coming out in march 2011

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From what i heard there will be a legend of zelda ocarina of time on the wii. It is a virtual console title purchasable in the wii shop channel. And you can use a classic controller or gamecube controller.

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Does link from the Legend of Zelda have a last name?

Link does not have a last name that I've heard of. He might but the creator just doesnt want us to know. It might be Zelda i dunno

What comes after Skyward Sword?

Nintendo hasn't confirmed another game yet, they have to wait until skyward sword hits the stores then they will work on the next one if they will make one. actually i heard of a new one called "the legend of Zelda vally of the flood" but i don't think that link is in it but if u remember in twilight princess when collin says he wants to grow up to be like link he is the new link.

How much will the Legend of Zelda ocarina of time cost for the 3ds?

I heard around 40 to 50 dollars i looked on amazon it was $14.00

Is there a Legend of Zelda movie?

There is no official Legend of Zelda movie.However, there was an April Fools Day joke played by IGN that advertised a Zelda movie, but no official announcements have been made.BMB Finishes has produced a fan-made movie, The Hero of Time, that had been under development for many years.There is also a second live action Zelda movie, The Legend of Zelda: Prince of Teres, being filmed in Oregon. No word yet, but discussions are underway to receive official backing by Nintendo. It is planned for a 2012 release.Another fan-made Legend Of Zelda movie coming up is The Legend Of Zelda: Witch Of Hearts, not much is heard about it, but that it involves a new villain who sides with Ganondorf. More of it will be released around late 2010, or 2011. It is written by a new director with the name of EGN. "A writer with a dream"And an another Legend Of Zelda movie is The Legend Of Zelda: Sage Of Darkness, also a fan-made movie.

When does the legind of cynder come out?

Never heard of whateva u said do u mean legend of zelda??? The legend of cynder was just a fan theory and propably never will come out. Sorry for crushing your dreams.

When is the new zelda game out?

From what I have heard, the new one won't be out for a few years. If I remember correctly (which I normally do), they haven't even decided what they are going to do with it, or if they will even make a new one. They were going to stop after Twilight Princess, but ended up making more. So who really knows? It will not be for a few years still.