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Of Earth's four major spheres atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere are absent or nearly absent on the Moon. This prevents many of the natural processes we see on Earth from happening on the Moon.

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Q: On Earth the four major spheres atmosphere hydrosphere solid Earth and biosphere interact as a system Which of these spheres are absent or nearly absent on the moon?
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How does the atmosphere interact with the other spheres?

The atmosphere is one of the most important spheres. If there was no atmosphere there would be no biosphere. If there was no biosphere there would only be the geosphere. Also, without no atmosphere there would be no more hydrosphere because of space radiation. So without the atmosphere there would only be the geosphere.

How does the biosphere rely on other spheres for survival?

matter and energy

Which sphere would be the least dense on earth?

The planet Saturn is the least dense of all the planets.I think this is actually about the " four spheres" on Earth.The four "spheres" of the Earth's surface can be described as:atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.The least dense is the atmosphere.

Which sphere is least dense?

The sphere made from the least dense material. If this is for a specific math problem, you may have to calculate density by dividing mass / volume for each sphere. The question could be about the "four spheres of the Earth" : Atmosphere Biosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere. In that case the answer is the "atmosphere".

What does lydrosphere mean?

I have never heard of the word 'lydrosphere'. I think you mean 'hydrosphere'. The hydrosphere is the sphere of ther Earth , that contains water ( oceans, Seas ). The Earth is in layers or spheres , like an onion, the hydrosphere is that layer(sphere) that contains all the water . Remember 'hydra' from Classical Greek means 'Water'. There is also the Atmosphere, and the biosphere. they all overlap.

Related questions

What are the four spheres of the earth?

the atmosphere,the lithosphere,the hydrosphere,and the biosphere.

Which to spheres interact to produce waves and currents?

A. - the geosphere and biosphere B. - the biosphere and hydrosphere C. - the cryosphere and atmosphere D. - the atmosphere and hydrosphere - Pick any of these answers but to be smart... Go search them up and you will learn. :)

What are the earth's 4 major spheres?

the atmosphere, hydrosphere,geosphere,and biosphere

What are the four environmental spheres?

Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere

What are the 4 spheres of your world?

Biosphere Atmosphere Lithosphere and Hydrosphere

What aare the four spheres?

geosphere,hydrosphere,biosphere and atmosphere..

What are the 4 types of spheres?

Lithosphere and Atmosphere and Biosphere and Hydrosphere

What are the earths 4 spheres?

biosphere ,hydrosphere ,atmosphere ,lithosphere are the four spheres of the earth

How does the atmosphere interact with the other spheres?

The atmosphere is one of the most important spheres. If there was no atmosphere there would be no biosphere. If there was no biosphere there would only be the geosphere. Also, without no atmosphere there would be no more hydrosphere because of space radiation. So without the atmosphere there would only be the geosphere.

What are the spheres of the earth?

The 5 spheres on the Earth are; 1. Biosphere. 2. Atmosphere. 3. Lithosphere. 4. Hydrosphere. 5. Cryosphere.

The four main spheres of Earth are the?

The biosphere,the lithosphere,the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere

What are the four spheres that constitute your environment?

atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere