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If I'm not mistaken, there's a special window where you can put Pokemon into the PC and take others out. If I am mistaken, I'm probably thinking of Pokemon indigo...

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Q: On Pokemon crater how do you put captured Pokemon into your lineup?
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on the right you see your Pokemon. press a empty slot. then go to the first letter from the name of the Pokemon you just caught. then you see that Pokemon and you can put it in your party

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go to the Pokemon center, scroll down to the bottom, the left is your Pokemon team and the right is where you put them back, click on a Pokemon of yours and press swap then your Pokemon is deposited

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go to pokecenter and click on the arrow for the current Pokemon click empty slot and then clcick on other side and click Pokemon you want on the team click swap and save

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How do you get rid of a captured Pokemon on Pokemon crystal?

go to a Pokemon center and use the computer. put any Pokemon you want to release into the wild in a separate box and deposit them. then select the "release" command. a warning will appear and if "yes" is sellected the unwanted Pokemon is gone. gets rid of one at a time.

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Can you put LINEUP in a sentence?

hi I'm Jill. u can say " The starting lineup of the game starts with Chase Utley, and ends with Carlos Ruiz. " Hope I could help. :)

Captured a lot of Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl but can only use 6 How do you use the rest of them?

go to your PC which is a blue screen in the upper right hand corner of a poke center choose deposit to put some of your Pokemon in your PC then go back choose withdraw and choose the Pokemon you want