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You can evolve gloom to bellossom usig the sun stone.

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15y ago
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15y ago

There is Gloom , it evolves into a Belossom

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12y ago

With a Sunstone you can evolve Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, and Petilil into Lilligant.

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14y ago

sunkern and gloom can evolve with it.

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Q: On Pokemon diamond which Pokemon evolve from a sun stone?
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In Pokemon diamond what does a sun stone evolve?

Gloom and Sunkern.

What evolves with a sun stone on Pokemon diamond?

There are two Pokemon that evolve with a sun stone. Gloom into Bellosom Sunkern into sunflora

What Pokemon evolves by using a sun stone in diamond?

Gloom can evolve into Bellusme if you give it a Sun stone.

Pokemon diamond what Pokemon evolve using a sun stone?

Gloom- Bellossom Sunkern- Sunflora

What Pokemon evolve with the sun stone in Pokemon Diamond?

The sunstones causes the following Pokemon to evolve:Gloom → BellossomSunkern → Sunflora

What pokemon does a sun stone evolve in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no Pokemon found solely in Diamond version that can be evolved with a Sun Stone. Gloom- can be found in Routes 224, 229, and 230. Sunkern- You need the Poke Radar to find this Pokemon in the Northern area of Route 204.

What pokemon will evolve with a sun stone?

gloom elvolves with sun stone

Where can you find a bellossom on Pokemon diamond?

You cannot find a bellossom but you have to evolve it from a gllom with some sorta stone. once you get a gloom then you evolve it with a sun stone to get bellossom or if you want a vilploom (spelling?) then evolve one with a leaf stone. Catcatcat87:)

What type is a Sun stone used for in Pokemon?

The Sun Stone is an evolutionary stone that allows certain Pokemon to evolve. The following Pokemon can evolve using this stone: Gloom, Sunkern, Cottonee, Petilil, and Heliotile.

What can you evolve with a sun stone in diamond?

evee is one you could evolve into espeon

How does rosalia evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

Roselia only evolves in Pokemon platinum, diamond, and pearl Roselia evolves into roserade if you use a sun stone on it

Which Pokemon can use the sun stone?

Gloom will evolve to Bellossom, and Sunkern will evolve into Sunflora using a Sun Stone.