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Q: On a graduated cylinder what does each line represent?
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What does make a key in science mean?

when you draw a graph a key helps identify what each line or collum stands for. colorcoding each line would halp in making a key.

Ray that connects the starting to the end point?

There is no end point, a ray is never ending but has a point to represent the beginning

What is the name of the fold line down the centre of a shape when the two sides fold on top of each other?

Symetrical line

Which one is more accurate erlenmeyer flask or beaker?

Several things make volumetric flasks the most accurate way to measure volumes of liquids. First, they are specially calibrated and tested so that the volume listed is exactly the correct volume, often to within 0.01 mL. Secondly their shape is specially designed for accurate measurement. They have a long narrow neck with a line to mark the correct volume. Because the neck is so skinny, the water level is much more sensitive to the amount of water than if the neck was much wider (like in an erlenmeyer).Note that an erlenmeyer flask is about the worst thing I can think of to measure volumes! Much better than that is a graduated cylinder. A graduated cylinder, while somewhat less accurate than a volumetric flask does have the advantage of being able to measure different volumes, whereas a volumetric flask is designed to measure one and only one volume.

What type of graph do you use when you are doing a science project?

It depends on the experiment. You could use any graph that would best represent the data that you have gathered from your experiment. bar graphs, line plots, and line graphs are just a few examples.

Related questions

What is the line on the graduated cylinder called?


What is the curved line that forms when water is in a graduated cylinder?

This line is called the meniscus.

What is the graduated beaker?

It a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid. It has a narrow cylindrical shape. Each marked line on the graduated cylinder represents the amount of liquid that has been measured.

What is graduated beaker?

It a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid. It has a narrow cylindrical shape. Each marked line on the graduated cylinder represents the amount of liquid that has been measured.

Up to what significant figures can you measure the vo lume of the liquid with your graduated cylinder?

You can typically measure the volume of a liquid with a graduated cylinder up to two decimal places or hundredths of a milliliter accuracy, depending on the resolution of the cylinder's scale.

Uses of a graduated cylinder?

A graduated cylinder is typically used in laboratories to accurately measure the volume of liquids. It has markings along its side indicating volume measurements, allowing for precise readings. This tool is commonly used in chemistry, biology, and other scientific fields for experiments, research, and analyses.

Which is the most accurate way to read graduated cylinder?

at the bottom of the meniscus

Why are there lines on a graduated cylinder?

calibration mark

What is the the bottom of a curved line in a graduated cylinder?

The "bottom of a curved line" made by the liquid in a graduated cylinder could be called the "measuring line" or "reference line" in the application of that piece of labratory equipment. The curved surface of the liquid itself is called the meniscus, and we look to the bottom of the meniscus to make our reading as to the volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder. The liquid in the cylinder "grabs" the sides of the cylinder and "pulls itself up" just a bit, and that creates the curve in the surface of the liquid. And that curve, the meniscus (which is from the Greek word for crescent), leaves us with a problem: where do we "read" the volume marked off by the graduations along the side of the cylinder? And the answer is, "At the bottom of the meniscus."

On a hot day a student observes water drops on the outside of a bottle of cold water. Explain this observation in terms of the concept of thermal energy.?

Use the water displacement method. You need a graduated cylinder and some water. Fill the graduated cylinder with enough water so that when you place the rock in the graduated cylinder it will cover the rock. Read the meniscus (the slightly curved line of the water) at eye level. Record your measurement of the water in the graduated cylinder (in mL). Place the rock in the graduated cylinder and record your new measurement of the water line, again at eye level. Subtract the original measurement from the new one to get the volume of the rock.

What is used for graduated cylinder?

A graduated cylinder is a piece of laboratory glassware used to accurately measure out volumes of chemicals for use in reactions. They are generally more accurate and precise for this purpose than beakers or erlenmeyer flasks, although not as precise as a volumetric flask or volumetric pipet. They come in a variety of sizes for different volumes, typically 10 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml, or 100 ml and up to as large as 1 or 2 liters. Determine the volume contained in a graduated cylinder by reading the bottom of the meniscus at eye level.

How many milliliters does each line stand for in a large graduated cylinder?

You would need to specify the capacity of the graduated cylinder. And at that you would probably need to specify the brand. Look at the 1st figure marked on the graduation going up, then count the graduations from that downwards. eg. if the first figure is 50ml and there are 10 lines coming up to 50ml then each graduation is 5ml. (50/10)