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Q: On silent hill origins what are the rooms ammo at the hotel?
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Are there Cheats for boxhead 2play rooms?

Yes type in fluffabuff when your playing and you will get every weapon and unlimited ammo

Silent Hill Homecomming Unlimited ammo code PS3?

There are not cheat codes for this game except the Young alex costume.

On Resident Evil how do you get more amo?

In order to get more ammo for your weapons, you need to find the ammo for that weapon. Really try to look around your surroundings for any possible ammunition. Mostly try to look in the rooms that look a bit suspicious to you.

What does the numbers on ammo mean?

With civiian ammo, it is the caliber. Military ammo- year made, and where

How much ammo does a uzi ammo clip have?

I think there are 200 bullets in a uzi ammo clip

Variables in game maker are used for?

Whatever you want, for example: Create: { ammo = 100; } Spacebar: if ammo > 0 { instance_create(x,y,bullet); ammo = (ammo - 1); } Collision with object ammopack: { ammo = (ammo + 10); instance_destroy(other) } ect

What is an antipolo type toilet?

antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo. antipolo type of toilet is adak ammo.

What is upgraded ammo in black op zombies?

If you are referring to upgraded ammo, as in when you see upgraded Ammo on the walls, then. Upgraged Ammo is simply ammo for a Pack-A-Puched Weapon. For example, the MP40 has ammo that cost 500 points, when Pack-A-Punched, it will cost 4500 points to replenish the ammo.

Is 204 ammo smaller than 22 ammo?


How do you buy ammo in Ohio?

go to an ammo shop

Is the government taking our ammo from us?

No, the United States government is not taking ammo from the citizens. Ammo can be bought as long as the person is 18 or older at any retailer that has ammo.

Is there a difference between revolver ammo and automatic ammo?

yes................revolver ammo has a rim. Semi-auto cartridges do not.