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Jump and then B but I think you need to be close to an enemy for it to be used, as I've tried but sometimes it doesn't work.

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Q: On sonic and the black knight how do you do a soul surge in the air?
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How do you do a soul surge on the ground in sonic the black knight?

you press B on the wii remote and while your pressing B swing down on the remote

How do you kill will 'o wisps without getting on sonic and the black knight?

Kick them. Do a soul surge, but instead of flicking the wiimote, flick the nunchuck.

How do you use soul surge on the ground in sonic and the black knight?

lol,im stuck on that part too.u have to keep using soul surge on every ememy till u reach finish line.

How do you do the soul surge on the ground on sonic and the black night?

Hold the B button and swing the WiiMote!

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there is no chaos shield. if you're talking about Chaos Blast, you have to build a sword called "Ddraig Goch" which is Lancelot (Shadow)'s ultimate sword. use soul surge and whammo!

How do you get five stars in Great Megalith in Sonic and the Black Knight?

First Sonic needs the pearl necklace and gladiolus. Collect all of the fairies and air Soul Surge all enemies. Free all of the townspeople without hurting them and make sure you do not get hurt as well. This will give you 5 stars.

How do you beat the Black Queen in Sonic and the Black Knight?

Your main objective is to get as many hits using Soul Surge as possible. As far as I know, reflecting the orbs she shoots at you doesn't do anything except fill your Soul Gauge. I usually get hit trying to reflect them all, so I usually just dodge them. You'll get most of your Soul Gauge from countering the Black Queen's sword swings, so it might be best just to wait for those. It's the same think where you wait until the sword she's about to swing glows, and then you shake the wiimote. After you have a full Soul Gauge, use a Soul Surge and try to get as many hits in as possible. After a while, she'll start shooting more complex orb patterns and moving faster, but it's still the same strategy.

Is there such thing as Galactic Knight Soul?

No. Galactic Knight is not a Soul Kirby Boss. There is only Drawica Soul and Marx Soul.

How do you destroy the dark queen on sonic and the black knight?

When Dark Queen slashes one of her swords horizontally counter attack by using excalibur then your "Soul Gauge" thing fills up a bit. When it's full use it and you warp closer her attacking to her eye Do this few times

What is Gladys Knight's nickname?

The Empress of Soul

Who is known as The Empress of Soul?

Gladys Knight

How do you defeat king arthur in sonic and the black knight?

At first he will start attacking you with shadow orbs, a hand that attacks you out of darkness, purple lightning, and a charge attack. For the hand that attacks you out of darkness you can block it using the Z button on the nunchuk, for the charge attack you can also press Z to avoid it, for the purple lightning that causes paralysis for a few seconds you can only dodge it (the Z button won't work here), and for the shadow orbs you have to counter attack them with your sword this will cause your soul surge meter to go way up. Then, once your soul surge meter goes up you can use soul surge in the air to attack king arthur and this will cause you to get on his horse with him. Once you're on his horse you will have to slash your sword at him while he does so the swords will clash you will have to do this for about six times (there will be a wii remote symbol on the top of the screen to help you). Then you will have a chance to attack him for about three seconds directly. After that you will get off his horse and he will start attacking again but this time his attacks will be 3x's harder and you will have to get your soul surge meter up again and attack King arthur with it. Next you will be on his horse again clash your swords about six times (this time he will go slower and faster which will make it tougher) and you will attack him directly again. Then MISSION ACCOMPLISH congratulations you defeated KING ARTHUR THE BLACK KNIGHT well done!