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both reaches the ground at the same time because in the moon there occurs free fall.

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Q: On the Moon if a basketball and a feather are dropped from the same height about the ground which one hits first?
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If two object of different density are dropped simultaneously which one will hit the ground first?

as done in Galileo's experiment when he dropped a large rock and a feather from a tall tower both hit the ground at the same moment when dropped from the same height.

If there were no air resistance how did the speeds of a feather and a penny compare?

If there was no air resistance and a feather and a penny were dropped from the same height they would both pick up speed by the same amount and they would hit the ground at the same speed and at the same time.

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They would hit the surface together, after a very long time. Gravity on Ceres is pretty light.

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air resistance, on the moon they did an experiment where they dropped a hammer and a feather at the same height and time and they hit the ground at the same time

What is the height from ground to the basketball hoop?

10 feet

What falls faster when dropped on the moon a hammer or a feather?

If they are dropped from the same height, they will fall at equal velocities because there is no air resistance and their accelerations by gravity are equal.

What is the professional level basketball rim height?

10 feet from the ground.

What is the force that opposes the motion of objects in air?

It is air friction. An aeroplane flying into a headwind will use up much more fuel than an aeroplane flying with a tailwind. Air friction means that a feather would take much longer to reach the ground than a lead weight dropped from the same height. Yet, if the feather and the lead weight were to be dropped in a vacuum (not subjected to air resistance) they would both reach the ground at the same time.

How high will a basketball bounce when dropped from above your head if it has 5 pounds of pressure?

It depends on your height.

Height of an average basketball hoop?

The official height of an NBA basketball hoop is 10 feet from the floor to the rim.

Did the height of the basketball net from the ground baskertball net change from 12 feet to 10 feet or 10 feet to 12 feet?

Did the height of the basketball net from the ground change from 12 feet to 10 feet or from 10 feet to 12 feet Did the height of the basketball net from the ground change from 12 feet to 10 feet or from 10 feet to 12 feet

Will a baseball or basketball reach the ground first?

If dropped from the same height (a few meters), they would appear to hit the ground at the same time, according to the experiments of Galileo. However, this neglects air resistance on the basketball, which will slow it down more and cause it to hit the ground later (very slightly later). The baseball, which has a smaller area and therefore less air resistance, will hit the ground first.