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Odysseus's men commit the crime of killing Helios's cattle on the island of Thrínacia while Odysseus is praying. This act angers the sun god Helios and leads to dire consequences for the men and their journey back home.

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Q: On the island of thrinacia what crime do Odysseus men commit while Odysseus is praying?
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Why do Odysseus' men disobey his orders on Thrinacia?

Odysseus' men are starving on Thrinacia, and they cannot leave the island (due to the winds), so they slaughter some of the golden calf against Odysseus' orders.

After passing Scylla and Charybdis Odysseus sails to what island?

Thrinacia, home to the cattle of Helios.

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Nothing. His men had all been killed on the island of Thrinacia for eating Helios's cattle.

Who imprisoned Odysseus?

Multiple people imprisoned Odysseus.Polyphemos, the cyclops imprisoned Odysseus and his men in his cave.Zeus, temporarily imprisons Odysseus and his crew on the island of Thrinacia, home of the golden cattle of Helios, by not providing fair winds.Calypso, on her island.

What is Thrinacia in The Odyssey?

Thrinacia is the island where the golden cattle of Helios live.

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He is the sun god, his island is Thrinacia on which Odysseus' men eat Hyperion's sacred cattle. This causes Hyperion to ask Zeus to shipwreck Odysseus, and so he is washed up on Calypso's island, where he stays for 7 years.

Where does Helios' keep his cattle?

Helios keeps his cattle on an island called Thrinacia. It is believed that the location of this island is where the modern island of Sicily is now.

Why does Odysseus and his men stay longer than planned on the island of Helios?

The winds blew for a month only from the South and the East so that the men could not escape the island Thrinacia even if they rowed.

Where did Polyphemus reside?

The island of Thrinacia.

What happened when Odysseus left his men so he could go pray on the island?

When Odysseus left his men to go pray on the island of Thrinacia, they disregarded his warnings not to harm the sacred cattle of the sun god Helios. As a result, the gods punished them by causing their ship to be destroyed in a storm and all of his men perished except for Odysseus.

What is the island of the sun god Helios?

Thrinacia is an island sacred to Helios

How do Odysseus' men disobey his orders?

After sacking Ismarus, Odysseus tells the men to return to the ship with their booty, but they do not comply. On the island of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus commands 3 men to go back to the ship, but they will not comply and have to be dragged back. After visiting Aeolus, keeper of the winds, his men, thinking there is treasure in the sack Aeolus gave to Odysseus, open it, unloosing the winds. After rowing hard passing Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus orders his men to row on, but they refuse, forcing the ship to port at Thrinacia. When they had arrived on the island of Thrinacia, home of Lord Helios' immortal cattle, Odysseus made them promise to not do anything to the herd. At first they were able to keep that promise, but soon, because there was no wind, they were stranded on the island with no food and only the cattle to stare at. So of course, they betrayed Odysseus and attacked the cattle instead of listening to him. It ended up with the God Zeus punishing them with only Odysseus surviving.