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July 20th, 1969

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Q: On what date did the space ship eagle land on the moon?
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What time did space ship eagle land on the moon?

6:00 am

Date mark shuttleworth land moon?

He simply didn't.. He was the 1st South African in space. He did not land on the moon though.

What is the name of the aircraft that was used by the man to land to the moon?

The first manned vehicle to land on the Moon was called the Eagle, which was carried into space by a Saturn V rocket. It isn't correct to call it an "aircraft" because there is no air in space or on the Moon! This happened in 1969.

What is the name of space ship landed at moon?

The first lunar module to land on the Moon with people aboard in 1969 is "Eagle" . The spaceship itself that circled the moon was "Apollo."

What date was when the first space ship that land on the moon?

maybe it happand in 1969 when apolo 11 lend on the moon.

What is the name of the first space ship to land men on the moon?

The first LEM was named "EAGLE". After landing on the Moon's surface it was called "Tranquility base". The first words were "Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

What is the name of the first spacecraft to carry astronauts to the Moon?

There has never been a space shuttle to land on the moon. The only manned vehicle to visit the moon is the Lunar Lander. The first one to land on the moon was called the 'Eagle.' Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin where on board when that happened.

What is the name of the space shuttle to land on moon?

there is no space shuttle that is able to land on the moon.

What date did Edwin Aldrin land on the moon.?

Edwin Aldrin and the rest of the Apollo 11 space crew landed on the moon on the 21st of July

Did Neil Armstrong use Columbia to land on the moon?

No Neil Armstrong used the Eagle to land on the moon.

Who landed Apollo 13 THE EAGLE?

Apollo 13 did not land on the moon as its mission was abandoned. Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon and it was its lunar module that was called Eagle.

What was the purpose of the eagle for the Apollo 11?

The purpose of the eagle was to land on the moon and then return to the command module.