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Q: On what did the launch of the first space satellite concentrate attention?
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What did the launch of the first space satellite concentrate attention on?

Committing more money to the U.S space program, education, and creating interest in the race to put a person on the moon. All of the answers are correct.

What was the first successful flyby satellite launch to the Moon?

Luna 1 was the first successful flyby satellite launch to the Moon.

Who was the first person to launch a satellite to Pluto?

The first person to launch a satellite to Pluto was Bob Riley.

When will Moldova launch its first space satellite?

Not known, any studies for a launch !

Who launched the first satellite and what was his name?

The (former) USSR launch the first satellite. Its name was Sputnik.

What was the first satellite for?

The first satellite (Sputnik I) was launched by the USSR (Russia) to demonstrate that they could launch a satellite into Earth orbit.

Why was Nixon's approach to China surprising?

(C) china was successful in their first satellite launch, which occured before the United States could launch their first satellite.

What was the first satellite launch by India in 1957?

India didn't launch any satellites in 1957

What type of satellite did the US first launch into orbit?


When did NASA launch its first satellite?

Explorer Eight in 1960

What year did Russia launch the first satellite?

From memory - 1957.

Who was the first to launch an earth satellite?

The first artificial satellite was Sputnik I, launched by the Soviet Union on the 4th of October 1957