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Q: On witch of the following things is risk anlysis based?
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Which one of the following pairs of words is an example of a near homonym?

Two words that are near homonyms are "presence" and "presents", as they sound very similar but have different meanings.

What did you have to do to see a witch in medieval times?

In Medievel times, there were no such things as a Witch. To see a Witch, they would accuse a woman, and then they would burn her to see if she died. If she lived (no woman did), she was a witch.

What were the witch's from the Salem Witch trials actually doing?

The following link contains information pertaining the this question:

Is the movie 17 Again based on a book?

Yeah, it's based on 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe'

Is hocus pocus base on a true story?

hocus pocus was based on the salem witch trials that took placed 1692 based on a story of three sisters accused witch crafted !!

Why was nostradamus not burned as a witch?

because he wasn't actually a witch, just because you predict things doesn't mean your a witch because what if he just guessed

witch of the following help plants protect from being eaten?

deep roots?

What is The Chronicles of Narnia based on?

Christ, especially the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

What in Americas history was the play the crucible based on?

Salem witch trials

Witch shapes are square-based?

It is square,triangle,rectangle and circle.

Was these accusations based on factual information Salem Witch Trail?

The accusations during the Salem witch panic were completely false with no basis in fact.

All living things contain witch element?
