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Factors that could change the course of a current include changes in wind patterns, shifts in water temperature or salinity, variations in underwater topography, and the influence of other currents or tides. External sources such as human activities, like dredging or construction, can also alter the path of a current.

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Q: Once a current is set in motion what could change its course?
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When Once a current is set in motion could change its course?

A current can change its course if external forces such as wind, tides, or barriers are present. These forces can alter the direction or strength of the current, causing it to change its path. Additionally, changes in the physical environment, such as the shape of the seabed or coastline, can also influence the course of a current.

Which characteristic of motion could change without changing the velocity?

Well, we know that velocity describes the speed and direction of motion, so you can't change either of those. We don't usually think of 'position' as a characteristic of motion, but if we try hard to please you, then we might observe that the position changes while velocity remains constant.

What must happen to the forces if the cars motion is to change?

If a car's motion is to change, its forces must also change. This could involve a change in the direction or magnitude of the forces acting on the car, such as braking to slow down or accelerating to speed up. Newton's first law states that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force.

What does change in motion mean?

A change in motion refers to any alteration in an object's velocity or direction of movement. This could involve speeding up, slowing down, changing direction, or a combination of these adjustments. In physics, a change in motion is typically described in terms of acceleration, which is the rate at which velocity changes over time.

Does a change in motion occur only if a net force is exerted on an object?

Yes, according to Newton's first law of motion, an object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net force. When a net force is applied to an object, it will experience a change in motion.

Related questions

When Once a current is set in motion could change its course?

A current can change its course if external forces such as wind, tides, or barriers are present. These forces can alter the direction or strength of the current, causing it to change its path. Additionally, changes in the physical environment, such as the shape of the seabed or coastline, can also influence the course of a current.

What kind of electricity is in motion?

Alternating current could fit this description.

Air in motion is called?

When Air is in motion it is called the wind. It Could also be called a breeze or wind current

What could cause an object at rest undergo change in motion?

Regardless of what the object is doing before the change, the only thing that can change its motion is force.

How does a constellation stay the same?

Actually, all the stars of a constellation are in motion. It is just that the distance between them is so great that the motion is not apparent to us. Over the course of thousands of years you could tell they change positions with respect to each other.

What is a charge in motion?

A charge in motion is usually called an electric current, but could also be called dynamic electricity (analogous to a charge at rest being called static electricity).

What is any change in an object's motion called?

The change in an object's motion, is simply force.The object cannot change motion unless acted upon by an outside force. For example: If I throw a baseball, it will never stop unless acted upon by gravity (or the outside force). Or the outside force could be it smacking into a wall or your friends head.

What would cause scientist to change the current model of the atom?

they could discover a new atom and it would change

Do stars change p0sition?

Yes, every star is moving. We call the actual movement of a star "proper motion", to distinguish it from the "apparent motion" of the stars rising and setting. This is because the "apparent motion" is caused by the Earth spinning and us going around with it. However, the "proper motion" of most stars is so small, and the stars themselves are so far away, that with only a few exceptions no person could notice any change over the course of a lifetime. One of the few exceptions is Bernard's Star, which is not only moving quite fast, it's also fairly close (as stars go). If you were to watch it very carefully over the course of 50 or 60 years, you might be able to notice the change in position.

Is the current pope healthy?

This answer could prove inaccurate due to the fact that the site will be the same, and the answer as well. But yes, the pope is healthy and well. Of course things could change over night due to the fact that most popes have a papacy of approx. 1-10 years.

Which characteristic of motion could change without changing the velocity?

Well, we know that velocity describes the speed and direction of motion, so you can't change either of those. We don't usually think of 'position' as a characteristic of motion, but if we try hard to please you, then we might observe that the position changes while velocity remains constant.

If you could change your name to anything in the world what would you change it to?
