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the Lymph

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Q: Once interstitial fluid enters the collecting vessels what is it called?
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What is the medical term meaning Tissue fluid that has entered the lymphatic vessels?

While surrounding tissues it is called interstitial fluid. Once it enters the lymphatic system it is called lymphatic fluid.

What is Interstitial fluid that enters a lymphatic vessel?


What does the human lymphatic system consists of?

The human lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs (spleen, thymus, tonsils), and lymphatic fluid (lymph). Its primary function is to help maintain fluid balance in the body and to assist in the body's immune response by filtering out harmful substances and producing white blood cells.

At the end opf the bronchioles are small air sacs called what which is where the oxygen enters the blood through the capillaries?

They are called alveoli

Interstitial fluid contains or is?

Found in spaces between cells and becomes lymph when it enters lymph capillaries.

Fluid that lies between cells and becomes lymph as it enters lymph capillaries?

Interstitial fluid

Lymph drainage from collecting ducts enters what vein?

lymph drainage ducts enters what veins?

What are two ways that tissue fluid gets back into the bloodstream?

The fluid leaks into the interstitial compartment, at the proximal end of the capillaries. Here the blood pressure is about 30 mm of mercury. At the distal end of the cappilaries the fluid is sucked in by the oncotic pressure of the blood plasma. This pressure is about 22 mm of the mercury. The fluid also enters the lymphatic vessels from the interstitial compartment.

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The light collecting power of a telescope depends on the diameter of its objective lens or primary mirror. A larger objective lens or mirror can gather more light, allowing the telescope to produce brighter and clearer images of celestial objects.

Trace the sequence of fluid flow through blood vessel to blood vessel by way of the lymphatic system?

The sequence of fluid flow is blood capillaries.... interstitial space or interstitial fluid..... lymphatic capillaries.... lymphatic vessels.... lymphatic ducts..... junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins. Then what helps this whole sequence is the skeletal muscle pump and the respiratory pump.

Blood enters which of these vessels during ventricular ststole?

aorta and pulmonary artery