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One shot, which is 1.5 fluid ounces.

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Q: One alcoholic drink is the equivalent of how much hard liquor?
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Related questions

What products contains hard liquor?

Hard liquor is in certain alcoholic beverages as well as certain candies. Most of these are chocolates with a center of liquor. Rum cake is another popular food that contains liquor.

Can a recovering mild alcoholic have a few glasses of wine for a special occasion without going back to hard liquor?

What is a "Mild Alcoholic"?

What does a liquor store sell?

A liquor store is a shop that sells packaged alcoholic beverages, which is typically sold in bottles. These beverages can include wine, beer, hard liquor, mixed drinks, etc.

Why do gnats like beer?

Because they can't drink hard liquor.....

What makes an alcoholic beverage a man drink?

The ammount of hard alcohol

What does each standard size alcoholic drink always contain?

There is actually no "standard size" alcoholic drink, but all alcoholic drinks contain alcohol. Popular sizes for beer are 12 ounce cans and similar sizes of bottles.

Is there de-alcoholized scotch or hard liquor?

De-alcoholized scotch or hard liquor is quite uncommon. There was a drink called Clayton's which resembled whiskey. However, it is no longer made.

Why are soft drinks called pop?

Alcoholic drinks are called 'hard' drinks: You've probably heard the expresion 'hard liqour', well all alcoholic drinks are considered 'hard'. Soft drinks have no alcohol in them, so they are called 'soft'.

What is the maximum amount of distilled (hard) liquor any one drink may contain?

4 ounces

Is bulimia hard to detect in an alcoholic?

Bulimia remains deadly and difficult todetect. "It's like telling an alcoholic that you can only have this drink, and you can ..." I couldn't get the rest of the Bold. Sorry!

Do you support liquor advertising on network television Is it fair to restrict advertising for liquor advertising more than advertising for other alcoholic beverages?

All alcohol whether it is hard liquor, wine, or beer should be restricted from television. Especially during any sports televised on national t.v.

Can you get drunk taking organic grain alcohol?

Yes, you can get drunk the same like when you drink any kind of hard liquor.