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Q: One characteristic of life bacteria do not possess is growth and development?
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The one characteristic of life bacteria do not possess is growth and development True or false?


What characteristic of life is illustrated by the change in the dog?

growth and development

Are bacteria dead or alive?

Cavity bacteria is alive

What is a characteristic of bacteria that is key to keeping them under control?

One key characteristic of bacteria that helps to keep them under control is their susceptibility to antibiotics. Antibiotics are drugs that can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, making them an effective means of treatment. However, it is important to use antibiotics responsibly to prevent the development of antibiotic resistance.

What are the different characteristic of organisms?

-respiration-sensitivity(irritability)-growth and development-excretion-nutrition-reproduction

What are the seven characteristic of all living organism?

reproduce energy food growth die development adaptation

What are the different characteristic of living organism?

-respiration-sensitivity(irritability)-growth and development-excretion-nutrition-reproduction

What bacteria are required for plant growth?

Certain bacteria, such as Rhizobium and Pseudomonas, form beneficial relationships with plants by providing essential nutrients like nitrogen and helping with nutrient uptake. These bacteria can enhance plant growth by promoting root development and overall health.

Which of the 5 characteristics of life is not necessary for survival?

Growth is a characteristic of life that is not strictly necessary for survival. While growth is important for development and reproduction, an organism can survive without significant growth.

What are the characteristics of the infancy stage?

One characteristic of the infancy stage is little motor development. There is also helplessness, an infant is dependent on others for everything. A major growth spurt is also a characteristic of infancy.

The instruction for growth and development are in?

The instructions for growth and development are in DNA.

What is the characteristic shape of logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.