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It is a not a chemical property

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Q: One chemical property of substance is its density or not?
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Describe chemical and physical properties and give examples of each?

A physical property is one that can be changed without altering the chemical formula of the substance, e.g., gas to liquid. A chemical property is one that is unique to that substance and altering it will change that substance chemically, e.g. density or molar mass.

Is density a property of an object or a property of the substance the object or a property of the substance the object is made of?

Density (or more properly Relative Density) is an elemental property. An object made from one or more elements will have a density related to the density of the elements.

A physical property is a characteristic of a substance is one that?

Density is a physical property; physical properties are measurable.

Can one physical property of paper is that it will burn easily?

That is a chemical property. A physical property could be its mass, volume, density, physical state, or that it can tear easily. A physical property is one that does not change the chemical composition of the substance.

Is reacts with acid physical property or chemical property?

it is chemical change

What is the property that is a quality of a substance that never changes and can be used to indentify the substance?

A quality of a substance that never changes is one of the reasons why density is a characteristic property

Is density a consistent physical property for any one particular substance?

Density is a physical property. It is also time-consistent, but not temperature-consistent.

How is a chemical property different from a physical property?

Chemical properties describe how a substance will undergo chemical reactions and with what. Chemical changes are when one or more substances change to some other substance or substances.

Is ice melting a chemical or physical property?

Physical, chemical is one that affects the chemical make up of the substance.

Do the properties of a substance change if the substance changes from a liquid to a gas?

Well, one of a substance's properties is whether it's a liquid or a gas or a solid. This is a physical property. If you mean chemical property, then no, it doesn't change with a change of phase.

What physical property of matter tells how concentrated matter is?

Density is a physical property that is often correlated with chemical composition. For example, most metals are denser than any non metal elements, and most hydrocarbons are less dense than water.

Is evaporating alcohol a chemical property which distinguishes one substance from another?

No. Evaporation is a physical process and it does not distinguish one substance from another.