

One of my hamsters have

Updated: 4/1/2020
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one of your hamsters has what ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Q: One of my hamsters have
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How do mother hamsters act after they have eaten one of the baby hamsters?

They act normally.

If one sixth of the children have pet hamsters and one third of the children have pet fish and there are thirty children how many children have pet hamsters?

5. Hamsters are better no no children are

Can dwarf hamsters and teddy bear hamsters be in one cage?

no, teddy bear hamsters are very territorial and will fight the other hamster.

What were hamsters orignally used for?

One of the uses for hamsters was as laboratory animals for testing and research.

What dog is best with hamsters?

My guess Labrador Retriver we have one and doe awsome with are hamsters.

Can hamsters climb downstairs?

they can if there in one of those little balls they make at the store you get your hamsters.

Whatrt to do if hamsters fight in petz hamsters 2 life?

Separate them by picking one of the hamsters up and setting it down. - Hope this helps

Are dwarf hamsters and Chinese hamsters the same?

A few years back I owned three Chinese Dwarf Hamsters, but there are different types of dwarf hamsters, e.g Russian Dwarf Hamsters. However, if you are thinking of getting dwarf hamsters, I don't recommend putting them in the same cage, as when I had my three, one of them ended up seriously injuring the other one.

Are roborovski hamsters and dwarf hamsters the same?

it will chew on it and eventually it will destroy it If you're talking about a real hamster and not a robotic one; hamsters are pretty unsophisticated when it comes to what they eat. We had a litter once that had one little one that had a bad foot, and the other hamsters ate it - I mean, ALL GONE! It was a little gross, but what do you do? Sorry, but you can't put a Syrian hamster with a Roboroski hamster, because although Roboroski hamsters are social, Syrians are not and will amost definitely fight.

If hamsters did not mate can they still have babies?

No, hamsters will never have a miraculous virgin birth. There is always one male and one female involved.

How cute are Roborovski Hamsters?

Robo Hamsters are very cute! Because they are very small, and they have shiny eyes. You should get one if you don't have one.

Why is it not required to join two newly bought hamsters in one cage?

Hamsters are solitary creatures, they will fight if you put them together in one cage.