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Acid rain contain traces of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases when dissolved in water - as in cloud water droplets - form sulfuric acid and nitric acid [and probably also sulfurous and nitrous acids].

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sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides emitted from burning fossil fuels. This reaction forms sulfuric acid or nitric acid, which can then fall to the ground as acid rain.

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Sulphur dioxide

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Nonmetallic oxides.

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Q: One of the acids in acid rain forms when water combines with?
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What forms when a strong acid combines with a strong base?

When a strong acid combines with a strong base, they neutralize each other to form salt and water. This reaction is called a neutralization reaction. The salt formed usually remains dissolved in the water.

Is An acid is a substance that forms hydroxide in a water solution?

Acids forms the ion H+.

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Acids are hydrolized and donate free H+ ions in water.

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When an acid and a base react, they form water and a salt. This reaction is called neutralization, where the acid donates a proton (H+) to the base, forming water (H2O), and the remaining components of the acid and base form a salt.

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CAOH I s a base. because whenever OH combines any metal a base is formed and when OH combines with non metal it always forms acids. acid= C2H5OH, CH3COOH, BASE= NAOH , LIOH, CA2OH

What happens when acid and combine?

acids and bases when combined neutralize one another and forms salt and water.

What are the common elements to all acid?

Acids typically contain hydrogen ions (H+). When acids dissolve in water, they release these hydrogen ions which can donate a proton in a chemical reaction. Acids also have a sour taste and can react with bases to form salts.

Why are sulfur phosphorus and charcoal described as acid-making elements?

They all form oxides that form acids when dissolved in water. Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid. Sulfur trioxide forms sulfuric acid, and tetraphosphorus decoxide forms phosphoric acid.

What effect does sulfur dioxide have on buildings?

Sulfur dioxide combines with oxygen and water to form acid rain Sulfuric and sulfurous acids). The acid can corrode metal and dissolve limestone, marble and cement.

What is an agent of chemical weathering which combines with water to form a Carbonic acid?

Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere combines with water to form carbonic acid, it is a form of acid rain.

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An acid is a substance that ionizes in water to form hydrogen ions (H+).

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