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Q: One of the most abundant plasma proteins that keeps water from flowing into surrounding tissues of the body is?
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Related questions

What is the second most abundant substance in the human body?

The second most abundant substance in the human body is proteins. Proteins are essential for various functions in the body, including building and repairing tissues, supporting the immune system, and serving as enzymes and hormones.

Is collagen the least abundant protein in the body?

No, collagen is actually one of the most abundant proteins in the human body, making up a significant portion of our skin, bones, tendons, and other connective tissues. It is not the least abundant protein in the body.

What are collage proteins?

Collagen is the important structural protien found in connective tissues of the mammals. It is a fibrous proteins mostly abundant in fibrous tissues like ligaments, tendons and skin also found in catilage, cornea, bons and blood vessels. It also forms dentin in teeth.

Abundant nonliving extracellular matrix?

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of proteins and carbohydrates that provide structural support for cells in tissues. It is abundant in tissues with high mechanical stress, such as cartilage, tendons, and bone. The ECM also plays a role in cell signaling, tissue development, and wound healing.

What are the proteins in the connective tissues in your foot examples of?

structural proteins

Abundant in tissues subjected to great mechanical stress?


What do proteins do for our bodies?

proteins are nutrients that are used to repair body cells and tissues.

2 substances that don't pass out of blood?

Red blood cells and large proteins are two substances that typically do not readily pass out of the blood vessels into surrounding tissues.

What are the most abundant elements in the tissues of trees?

elements of fire! yaaaay!

How are proteins important for any organism?

Proteins are important for the growth, maintenence and repair of tissues.

Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain is called what?


What controls proteins that build cells and tissues?
