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The Yorktown class carrier USS Hornet, later sunk at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands.

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Q: One of the us carriers that was part of dolittle raid and the Battle of Midway?
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What 3 Aircraft Carriers were at Midway?

In total, there were actually 9 aircraft carriers that participated in the Battle of Midway. American: Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown. Japanese: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, Zuiho, Hosho Additionally, as the Midway battle was occurring, the Japanese carriers Ryujo and Junyo were part of a northern force that was attacking the Aleutian Islands as a diversion.

When where and who won the battle of midway?

The US Navy won the Battle of Midway in June 1942. Basically a battle between aircraft carriers of the USA and Japan. The US Navy won decisively and this was the turning point of the war in the Pacific.

Who was part of the Battle of Midway?

The Japanese and The US.

Who was a part of the Battle of Midway?

The United States and Japan

What is the name of the us carrier that was part of the doolittle raid and the Battle of Midway?

The USS Enterprise (CV-6) and USS Hornet (CV-8) both participated in the Doolittle Raid and the Battle of Midway. Hornet carried and launched the 16 B-25's of the Doolittle Raiders while Enterprise provided the air cover for the task force. At the Battle of Midway, the two carriers comprised Task Force 16 while Yorktown was the only carrier in Task Force 17.

This battle stopped the Japanese advancement toward Hawaii?

There were two: The battle of Coral Sea stopped the IJN's advance towards Australia, and the battle of Midway stopped their advance everywhere else; because their offensive power was destroyed at Midway (offensive power=aircraft carrier pilots and deck crewmen/the planes & carriers could be replaced, but not the airmen).

How many British ships were present at the Battle of Midway?

No ships of the Royal Navy took part in the Battle of Midway. It was fought entirely by the ships of the U. S. Pacific Fleet.

What was the names of the carriers in the Battle of Midway.?

The American carriers were Yorktown, Hornet and Saratoga. The Japanese carriers were Kaga, Akagi, Hiryu, and Soryu. Sorry, Saratoga is not correct, it was the Big "E", USS Enterprise CV-6. Sara was recovering from torpedo damage. Halsey was out sick (Halsey's flagship was Enterprise), which gave command to Spruance. The Japanese had two light carriers supporting the aleutian attacks, as part of the overall plans.

What was Japan's need for natural resources during the Battle of Midway?

"Natural resources" was a strategic objective for the whole war. The Midway battle was simply a part of the that war. A "tactical" portion of the bigger picture.

Was island hopping used in the battles of midway and Iwo Jima?

"Midway" was strictly a naval battle. Iwo Jima was part of the "island hopping" campaign.

Why was the Battle of Midway importaint to the outcome of World War 2?

The Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers and the pilots that were part of the crew. The USA lost one aircraft carrier. The USA could make up the lost carrier and crew. The Japanese could not.

What happen at the battle of the coral sea?

The most notable part of the Battle of Coral Sea was that the ships involved never saw each other. The entire battle was conducted by aircraft off of carriers. The US lost the USS Lexington, the Japanese lost a small carrier. While in terms of material loss, the US came off the worst, but tactically it stopped the Japanese attempt to invade New Guinea. A month later that Battle of Midway took place and was the turning point of the War in the Pacific.