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One result of the great awakening was about the religions. It is in those times where Christianity attempts to awaken people and gives the result of religious tolerance among people.

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Q: One result of the first great awakening was?
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How did the Great Awakening challenge social political traditions?

One result of the Great Awakening was to unify 4/5ths of Americans in a common understanding of the Christian faith.

What was the second great awakening?

The second great awakening was a religious revival in America. There were camp meetings. The abolitionist movement and the temperance movement were influenced by the Second Great Awakening.

Who were the major figures in the Second Great Awakening?

Jonathan Edwards was one of the main figures in the Second Great Awakening.

What was one effect of the great awakening in the middle colonies?

One effect of the Great Awakening in the middle colonies was the promotion of religious diversity and tolerance as people were encouraged to pursue personal connections with God outside of traditional church structures. This movement also led to increased social activism and a push for moral reform in society.

Who was one of the great awakening leaders?

George Whitefield and many others.

What did the great awakening accomplish?

The Great Awakening brought about a new spirituality to the colonies. During the pre-Revolutionary days, religion often was associated with one's church. However, the first Great Awakening, which used the Revivalist tent method of preaching, caused people to view faith on a more personal level. They were successful, causing many people who had strayed away from faith, to renew their spirituality.

What was a major result of the great awakening?

One major result of the Great Awakening was the spread of religious fervor and the growth of evangelical movements across the American colonies, leading to increased religious diversity and a renewed emphasis on personal religious experience. It also had a significant impact on social and political life, promoting ideals of individualism, equality, and a sense of shared community among diverse groups of people.

How did the Great Awakening challenged social and political traditions?

One result of the Great Awakening was to unify 4/5ths of Americans in a common understanding of the Christian faith.

Who was the most effective preacher of the Second Great Awakening?

Charles G. Finney is often considered one of the most effective preachers of the Second Great Awakening. He was known for his powerful preaching style and emphasis on individual conversion experiences. Finney's revival meetings drew large crowds and had a significant impact on the religious landscape of America during this period.

Was Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God effective?

Yes it was, it is one of the things that sparked the first great awakening in America,

How did the great awakening affect America?

The preaching of the Great awakening did more perhaps to draw the colonists together so that our country (America) would truly become one nation under God.

Which is one of the reform movement that inspired the second great awakening?

The Second Great Awakening was inspired by various reform movements, such as temperance, abolitionism, and women's rights. One notable reform movement that influenced the Second Great Awakening was the temperance movement, which advocated for the moderation or abstinence of alcohol consumption as a way to promote moral and social reform.