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If one is only visiting the country, see for a vacation, they are a tourist.

If one is moving to this country, they are an immigrant.

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An immigrant.

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Q: One who comes into a country in which one is not a native?
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What is one who comes into a country in which one is not a native?

An individual who comes into a country in which they are not a native is typically referred to as an immigrant. This term is commonly used to describe individuals who move permanently or temporarily to a new country to live, work, or study.

What is one who comes into a a country in which one is not a native?

A Mexican

Who is someone who comes into a country in which one is not a native?

That someone is an immigrant.

One of who comes into a country in which one is not a native?

immigrant aliens and samuels junior,V

What is it called when one who comes into a country in which one is not a native?

A visitor / tourist An immigrant An alien An illegal immigrant (if your arrival is not in conformance with the immigration laws of the country of destination).

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native animals are animals that are origanly from one country.

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Tamale is a dish native to Mesoamerica, not just one specific country.

What does it mean to be outside of one's own country?

It means that the person is not a native of the country where they are .

What happens when a immigrant enters a country?

An immigrant is a person who comes from one country into another. An emmigrant leaves one country for another.

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What is the definition of immigrate?

A person who comes into a country from another country, usually for permanent residence.Someone coming into a new country from a different one.(an emigrant is one who emigrates, or leaves - an immigrant is one who comes in)

What is the meaning of sweet is death for one's native land?

desire to die in his beloved country