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Q: One who holds beliefs or opinions contrary to the establishment doctrines of his religion?
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What clause prohibits the US from making Christianity an official state religion?

The First Amendment of the Constitution clearly states that " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; " Contrary to the opinions of many american christians, the U.S. is a secular nation.

What is one who holds beliefs or opinions contrary to the established doctrines of his religion?

Well, if your faith is not committed, then it's not your religion at all. However, most Agnostics use already established religions to base their beliefs off of. For example, if someone has mostly Christian beliefs but thinks God developed evolution.Answer:The term is 'heretic'

What does the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prevent the government from doing?

Favoring one religion over another or supporting religion over no religion

What is the meaning of of establishment?

You may be thinking of the word establishment as it is sometimes used in Politics and Government. In that context establishment refers to legally defining a specific religion as the official or state religion of a given region or country.

The 1st amendment provides for freedom of religion through?

The prohibition of an establishment of a national religion.

Why is congress prohibited from established an official Religion?

The establishment clause of the constitution prohibits an establishment of religion or the free exercise of religion. The congress is required to abide by the constitution.

Does The Establishment Clause prohibits Congress from mandating a state religion?

Yes, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits Congress from mandating a state religion or favoring one religion over others. This clause ensures that the government remains neutral in matters of religion, protecting the freedom of individuals to practice their own beliefs without government interference.

Where is the establishment of religion clause found in the Constitution?

There have been thirty-three amendments to the US Constitution since it was written. The First Amendment specifically forbids the establishment of religion.

What did Thomas Jeffersons Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom declare?

There would be no establishment of a national religion.

What are the two opinions?

science vs. religion

How does the establishment clause protect your religions freedoms?

The establishment clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing an official religion or favoring one religion over others. This ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice their own religion without government interference or endorsement. It helps maintain a separation between church and state, allowing for religious diversity and protecting religious liberty.

How do people see faith and religion together?

Faith is strong belief in something. People can strongly believe in a religion and it's doctrines.