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Q: One who is supremely selfish is called?
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What is the meaning of selfish?

Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others., Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self.

Is supremely an adverb?

Yes, supremely is an adverb. It means immensely, or to a great or extraordinary degree.

What is selfish called in Telugu?


Why is it love is selfish?

It is selfish because your soul connection is with that one person and no one else.

What part of speech is supremely?

The word supreme is an adjective. It means to have power over everything else.

What is 'supremely very good' when translated from English to Italian?

"Supremely, very good!" in English is Supremamente veramente buono! in Italian.

People who hate sharing are called?


Isn't that ironic that selfish people think they are loved by everyone but no one love selfish people?

What a selfish thing to say!

Is everyone selfish?

Well, everyone is selfish one point in their life so yes(:

What do you do if you get caled selfish but you aren't?

You're almost certainly not being called selfish because people like the sound of the word. One thing you might consider doing is reflecting on your own behavior to see how it might appear to be selfish, and then changing that behavior. This is assuming that it bothers you. If you don't care whether people call you selfish or not, then just go ahead and continue on as you were.

Who is the selfish person?

The selfish person is the person who wants everything for himself. He wants to take always the best thing. the selfish is the one who sees himself the best person and the perfect one.

How fear drives the cheating partner?

Fear is hardly what drives a cheater, love. It is called being selfish. Or fear of not being able to be selfish anymore.