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Q: Openings in Earth and crust that allow magma to reach the surface is called .?
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What are openings in the earth's crust that allow magma to reach the surface?


Science definton of a stomata?

microscopic openings on the surface of leaves that allow gas to pass in and out

What are the small openings on plant leaves called?

They are called stomata, tiny holes that regulate the intake/output of gas, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen.

What is the openings in leaves that allow gases to pass through?

The openings where gases enter and leave plant leaves are called stomata's. These are crucial for the survival of plants.

What is the whole between two guard cells in a leaf called?

It's called a stoma (plural stomata) and its function is to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis. The guard cells sre responsible for regulating the size of the stoma.

Do sponges have one opening?

No in fact they have multiple openings called pores, which allow water and nutrients to flow in and out of the sponge

Openings that allow for gas exchange?


What are the openings into the respiratory system of an insect called?

They are called spiracles, tiny tubes alongside the insect's body which allow it to receive air. Kind of like gills, but for insects. Good luck!

The pull on the surface of liquids that allow liquids to form drops when they fall are called?

Surface tension.

What does the ozone hole allow to reach Earth's surface?

The ozone hole allows some radiations to reach the earth's surface. These radiations are high energy UV radiations.

What are Spiracles?

According to :"Spiracles are small openings on the surface of some animals that usually lead to respiratory systems."In fish, such as sharks & rays these openings are used to allow the animal to 'rest'. They pump air across the gills when the animal is still.

What is the stomata's function?

The function of stomata is that they are small openings or pores on the surface of leaves.The function of stomata is to allow gases such as oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide to move around the leaf.