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Organic compounds may also contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Many times sulfur can also be found but is not required.

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Q: Organic compounds may also contain what?
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What are compounds called that are made of carbon?

You may be referring to organic compounds. All organic compounds contain carbon but all compounds that contain carbon are not necessarily organic. A more general term would be carbonaceous.

An organic compounds contain the chain of?

They may contain chain of carbon atoms.

What are the most abundant elements found-in organic compounds?

Every organic compounds consist Carbon and Hydrogen. Other then that, more organic compounds contain Oxygen,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Sulphur. Some organic compounds may contain Halides, or other elements.

Main element of organic compound?

All organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen; other elements may also be present. Organic compounds include methane (CH4), glucose (C6H12O6) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN).

What are three elements included in all organic compounds?

The three components that are needed to create small organic molecules are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These cells contain organic molecules and are essential to life.

Do all compounds contain carbon?

No. The term 'compound' refers to any pure substance made up of molecules that contain multiple different elements. By definition, a compound must contain carbon to be considered organic. Inorganic compounds may also contain carbon (CO2, CO, H2CO3). So, all organic compounds contain carbon.

Do inorganic copmounds have sodium?

Inorganic elements may or may not contain sodium. Some of the inorganic compound that has sodium are sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate an sodium chloride. Many inorganic compounds including acids do not contain sodium in them. Particular organic compounds may also contain sodium, such as sodium salts of organic acids.

What type of bond holds the atoms in organic molecules together?

From what I have learned in school, all organic compounds contain the element carbon. Most organic compounds also contain hydrogen. Organic compounds may also contain other elements such as oxygen and nitrogen. Since it's made up of non-metal and non-metal elements, it is bonded by covalent bond.

Do all organic molecules contain carbon?

Yes, carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. It is present in all life forms and the chemical basis of all known life. In the human body carbon is the second most abundant element by mass after oxygen.

What are nitrates classified as?

The ion nitrate is a component of inorganic compounds but also of organic compounds.

Do proteins constitute organic compounds?

Yes, proteins are organic compounds.Specifically, organic compounds contain carbon molecules. They may be subdivided into natural and synthetic compounds. Natural compounds will be animal- or plant-produced whereas synthetic compounds results from the reactions of other compounds.A protein represents a natural compound whereas a plastic serves as a synthetically-prepared compound.

What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?

Organic compounds are made from things which were once alive and, therefore, they contain carbon. Inorganic compounds, however, do not contain carbon.Carbon is an essential element in all organic compounds while inorganic compounds may or may not contain carbon.Organic compounds do not dissolve in water but dissolve in organic solvents. Most Inorganic compounds dissolve in water but not in organic solvents.Organic compounds have low melting and boiling points. Inorganic compounds have high melting and boiling points.Organic compounds form covalent bonds while inorganic compounds form ionic/electrovalent bonds.Organic compounds have color and odor while inorganic compounds are usually colourless and odorless.Organic compounds e.g. methane, ethane, acetylene, alcohols etc. Inorganic compounds e.g. carbon dioxide, sulphuric acid, salts etc.Organic compounds are produced by living things. Inorganic compounds are produced by non-living natural processes or by human intervention in the laboratory.The presence of carbon determines if a compound is organic or not. All organic compounds have carbon in them.