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Fungi are classified as such if they display the following traits:

1. Fungi cannot make their own food. They depend on other organisms for their carbon source.

2. Fungi have membrane-bound organelles.

3. The body of the fungus takes the following forms:

  • yeast- one-celled organism that reproduce asexually, by budding or fission
  • mycelium- collective, filamentous strands that make up the fungal thallus
  • both yeast and mycelium at the same time

4. The mycelium/yeast has a cell wall.

5. Fungi absorp their nutrition (transport food from their substrate into their cell walls.)

6. Reproduction occurs via spores.

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Q: Organisms are classified as fungi if they?
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plants, fungi or animals... all answers are correct:)

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all organisms were classified as either plants or animals. The only domain with multicellular organisms is the domain Eukarya, which contains the 4 kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Protista and Fungi are the only kingdoms that have both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

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The six kingdoms are:Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Archaea, Protista, and bacteria

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Firstly scientists classified organisms into 2 kingdoms:animal kingdom and plant kingdom.Then when science became advanced organisms where classified into 5 kingdoms:plant kingdom,animal kingdom,monera,protista,fungi.

How do scientists group organisms?

Firstly scientists classified organisms into 2 kingdoms:animal kingdom and plant kingdom.Then when science became advanced organisms where classified into 5 kingdoms:plant kingdom,animal kingdom,monera,protista,fungi.

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What is yeast chemically?

Yeast consists of micro-organisms classified as fungi. So yeast wouldn't be described "chemically", but "biologically" ;)