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Q: Organisms that grow on or in other organisms are called?
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What are Organisms that grow on or in other organisms are called?

Sounds like you're talking about a parasite.

Do multicelluar organisms grow?

do multicellular organisms grow

What is true of organisms?

Organisms grow and develop

What is true of all organisms?

Organisms grow and develop

How do living organisms grow?

Living Organisms grow from cell division and growth hormones

Are photosynthetic organisms called consumers?

No, organisms that use photosynthesis are called producers because they capture sunlight energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose sugars, oxygen, and water. The glucose sugars are used by the plant to grow and reproduce. Since these plant organisms are creating biomass using sunlight, they are essentially producing food for other organisms to consume (who are called consumers).

What is a trait the all organisms have?

By definition all organisms grow and reproduce.

Why are decomposes vital to all food webs?

Because they break dead organisms down into basic chemicals which can then be used by other organisms to grow and build their bodies, which can then be eaten by other organisms, thus continuing the food chain.

Do multicellular organisms grow by making duplicants?

Yes. Multicellular organisms grow by the processes of mitosis and cytokinesis.

The experiment of redi and Pasteur helped to demonstrate that?

The experiments of Redi and Pasteur helped to demonstrate that all organisms come from other organisms. At the time, the prevailing theory was called "Spontaneous Generation" which assumed that organisms simply appeared. Both scientists delt with proving that, in the presence of oxygen, organisms did not grow if they were not exposed to microbe-containing air.

How do multicellar organisms grow?

Multicellular organisms grow through a process called mitosis. In mitosis, the cell divides itself in two to make more cells and make more body mass.

Do multicellar organisms grow?

Multicellular organisms grow through a process called mitosis. In mitosis, the cell divides itself in two to make more cells and make more body mass.