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Q: Organized killing of an entire people?
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The killing of an entire people?

is Genocide

What was the organized killing of millions of Jewish people and others?

It is called holocaust.

Who is the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire people?


what is the meaning of Genocide?

Genocide is the killing of an entire group of people based on some commonality such as religion or nationality. . Ethnic genocide is the killing of a group of people based on their ethnicity, or racial extraction.

What was the organized killing of Jews?

Some of these were: the Crusades, pogroms, and the Holocaust.

What type of genocide was practiced by the Nazis?

The Holocaust, in which they (the Nazis) attempted to wipe out the Jews (an entire group of people)


The deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population

Why guns are for protecting people and not for killing people?

Guns are to protect people and not for killing people because killing people for no reason is a crime but killing people to protect your self is not a crime

What is the relationship between civilization and war?

There is only foreseable corelationship (not relationship): Men organized (civilization), and then the antique custom of killing people extrapolated itself to massive moments of violence.

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Yes, by killing the entire organism.

What is genocide and how did the Nazis use it against the Jews?

A Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire people. The Nazi's used it against the Jews in concentration camps; they killed the entire race of Jews almost, using gas chambers, etc.

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Bussiness people organized the domestic in order to