

Original Franck Hertz data

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Original Franck Hertz data
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What is the time it takes to locate and retrieve data?

Mega Hertz.........

Will 60 hertz solid state electronics run on 50 hertz?

Unlikely but possible - read the data sheet. If you don't have the data sheet it probably exists on the www.

Which term is also known as data transfer rate?


Is the time it take to locate and retrieve data?

Mega Hertz.........

Is Data transfer rate expressed in hertz?

Hertz means "machine cycles per second" and is used to measure the processors speed. Data transfer rate which is better known as the bandwidth is usually measured in Mbps or megabits per second.

When data are collected in original form what is that called?

raw data

How many hertz is 1.5mb?

A hertz is one cycle per second. A megabyte is quantity of data or capability of storage if data. One cannot convert one term into another unless attempt to measure the same thing. The PC-AT operated at 6 million hertz, and could handle 12.6 MB of RAM. That would be a ratio of about 750,000 hertz per 1.5 mb of RAM, but that ratio is absurdm quite meaningless, as the RAM capacity of new computers has grown faster than the clock speed.

Why do you use mega hertz and gega hertz to measure the speed of the processor?

Turns out that if you put electricity into quertz - Silicon dioxide(thats why the meca of computers is silicon valley)- it shakes hitting sensors in the processer creating On/Off 1/0 binary. The speed at which the quertz shakes is hertz. A single hertz represents 1 bit. so 2 gigahertz = 2,000,000,000 bits of data.

What is the original form of data?

Source Document

What is the process of converting data from encrypted format back to its original format?

Decryption is the process of converting data from an encrypted format back to its original state.

When you link to data in a worksheet the data appears as a table in the Access database but is it maintained in its original form in Excel?

The data will be in its original form, but any changes in the data will be reflected in the Excel document, as will changing the Excel document affect the Access table. It is the same data when it is linked, not copied.

Is it true using the cut command completely removes data from its original location while the copy command leaves information in its original location?

No, this is not true.cut first copies the data and then marks the directory entry for the original file as "deleted", it leaves the old data in place (just as the delete does)copy only copies the data