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Q: Other than acting to flex the spine and compress the abdominal contents What is it about the arrangement of these muscles that make them so we suited for their job?
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What is transversus in frog?

The Transversus abdominal in a frog is the deepest of the abdominal muscles. Its main function is the compression of the abdominal contents.

What muscles compress the abdomen?

There are 4 muscles that make up your abdominal muscle anatomy: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis.

What is abdominal rigidity?

A "rigid abdomen" on exam is a sign of something wrong within the abdominal cavity. In order to avoid pain from outside pressure, the muscles of the abdomen tense to "guard" the contents of the cavity. It is one of the signs of an "acute abdomen."

Which muscle would be most helpful for forceful expiration?

abdominal muscles

What is the difference between abdominal muscles and intestinal muscles?

I'm no expert but one difference is your external abdominal muscles are voluntary and intestinal muscles are involuntary.

What is a rectus abdominus?

A large group of muscles in the front of the abdomen that assists in the regular breathing movement and supports the muscles of the spine while lifting and keeping abdominal organs such as the intestines in place. Abdominal muscles play a key role in exercises such as "sit-ups." They are informally called the "abs".

What is an abdominal wall?

An abdominal wall is the layer of muscles which surrounds the abdominal cavity and contains the abdominal organs.

Why pain is relieved on sitting forward in acute pancreatitis?

Because the pancreas is situated at the back of the abdominal cavity, actually it's outside the abdominal cavity between it and the posterior wall muscles. So when you sit forward the abdominal contents shift forwards taking pressure off the inflamed pancreas.

Is cold compress bad for tired muscles?

A cold compress is good for swollen tissues. For tired muscles the best thing is heat or massage.

What causes loose abdominal muscles?

The causes of loose abdominal muscles include extreme weight loss and pregnancy.

What are the main muscles in the human muscular system?

That's pretty vague. To name a few: Biceps Brachii- flexes and supinates the forearm, long head can also assist in flexing the humerus The largest is the Gluteus Maximus (your butt muscle)- powerful extensor of the thigh, lateral rotator of the thigh, helps steady the extended leg; extends the trunk when distal end is fixed Rectus abdominis- flexes vertebral colum, tenses anterior abdominal wall; compresses abdominal contents

Do you get muscles from doing sit ups?

Yes, you get abdominal muscles.