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The nutrient breakdown of an egg shell is as follows

Water, Protein, fat, ash, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, glutamic acid.

Follow the link for a percentage breakdown of these.

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Q: Other than calcium what nutrients do eggs shells contain?
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What animals have shells?

scopata animals don't have shells turtles and shellfish do

Why does a tree die when it is ring barked?

Because the vascular bundles which contain the xylem and phloem are cut resulting in nutrients like water not being able to go to the leave from the roots and other nutrients like sugar which is made in the leaves unable to go to the roots which are a site of their consumption.

How hard is a turtles shell?

It varies per chicken. if a chicken doesn't get enough calcium in their diet they can actually lay shells so soft they fall apart in their bodies. While others may be very hard. Even the same chicken can have different strength of shells if their diet changes. Some chicken owners feed chickens crushed oyster shells to get hard shells due to the calcium content. my chickens I share my yard with prefer real food with calcium in it. that said, they are all easily broken either way

Why do chickens eat their own eggs?

Chickens need calcium,egg shells are a good source of calcium and other minerals. Chickens are also omnivores and enjoy any bits of egg left in the shell. Many farmers feed the shells back to the hens, some wash them first then crush them into the feed. Others wash and cook them before feeding them back and others do not feed the hens their own shells fearing pathogen transfer.

How is a limestone cave formed?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock made up of calcite (CaCO3) as its main mineral. Some limestones were formed by chemical deposition and others by the accumulation of shells from minute sea creatures. Many invertebrate animals (animals with no backbones) take calcite from sea water to construct their shells. When they die the shells fall to the sea bed. Areas where there is little deposition of mud or sand will be ideal for the formation of limestone. One type of limestone which is very pure is called chalk, but most other limestones contain variable amounts of mud or sand or other material.