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Q: Other than migraines what causes visual field disturbances?
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What is an opthalmic migrane?

Ocular Migraines: Understanding the Visual Disturbances Ocular migraines, often referred to as "visual migraines," are a unique type of migraine that primarily affects your vision. These episodes can be both unsettling and concerning, but they generally don't result in the intense headache that is commonly associated with migraines. Here's what you need to know about ocular migraines: Visual Disturbances: Ocular migraines cause temporary disruptions in your vision. These disturbances can manifest in various ways and may include: Scintillating Scotomas: This is a fancy term for seeing shimmering or flashing lights in your visual field. It's as if you're looking through a kaleidoscope. Blind Spots: You might experience blind spots or areas of reduced vision that gradually expand and then disappear. Zigzag Lines: Some people describe seeing zigzagging lines that move across their vision. Duration: Ocular migraines typically last for a short period, usually less than an hour. After the visual disturbances subside, you might feel fatigued or have a mild headache, but it's not as severe as a typical migraine. Lack of Headache: Unlike common migraines, ocular migraines usually don't cause intense headaches. The visual symptoms are the primary hallmark of this type of migraine. Potential Causes: The exact cause of ocular migraines isn't fully understood, but they might result from the same underlying factors as regular migraines, such as changes in blood flow to the brain and abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Triggers: Ocular migraines can be triggered by various factors, including: Certain Foods: Some people find that certain foods, like aged cheese, processed meats, and foods containing MSG, can trigger ocular migraines. Stress: Stress and anxiety can play a role in triggering these episodes. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly in women, can lead to ocular migraines. Diagnosis: If you experience these visual disturbances, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional to rule out other potential causes. They might perform a thorough eye exam and review your medical history. Treatment: Managing ocular migraines involves identifying and avoiding triggers whenever possible. In some cases, your doctor might recommend migraine-specific medications to help prevent or alleviate symptoms. When to Seek Help: While ocular migraines are usually harmless, there are instances where visual disturbances could indicate more severe conditions. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden and severe visual changes or if your symptoms are accompanied by other neurological issues. In conclusion, ocular migraines are unique episodes characterized by temporary visual disturbances that don't always come with a severe headache. Understanding the symptoms, triggers, and potential causes can help you manage and address these episodes effectively. However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and guidance. Tatum Eyecare is North Phoenix’s premier family eye care center. We’ve spared no expense to create the most pleasant, comfortable patient experience… including the finest furnishings, the best selection of prescription eyeglass frames, the most cutting-edge technology, and the most outstanding team of industry professionals. Come see why the choice for family eye care in the Valley has never been clearer.

What is a common migraine?

Eighty percent of migraine sufferers experience "migraine without aura" (common migraine). In "migraine with aura," or classic migraine, the pain is preceded or accompanied by visual or other sensory disturbances, including hallucinations

Can hemiplegic migraine cause a stroke?

Hemiplegic migraines affect a very small percentage of people in the United States. People with hemiplegic migraines experience paralysis or weakness on one side of the body, disturbances in speech and vision, and other symptoms that often mimic a stroke.

How are migraine and arm numbness connected?

Migraines are not simply an intense headache, but a neurological disorder. During a migraine, there is a spreading cortical depression (which means that a portion of the brain electrical activity slows down for a short amount of time) and then there is inflammation of the nerves and blood vessels. For some people, this results in the visual disturbances known as aura. For other people, balance issues. For other people, numbness of the extremities. There are many different ways migraines can manifest itself, and it is all unique to that person. Anytime it is the first time new neurological symptoms arise, seek immediate medical care.

What causes migraine after during and before the period?

I sometimes get migraines before and during my period. What causes mine, as a woman who suffers from migraines, is the elevation and then severe drop in estrogen. During ovulation is when your estrogen levels are at the highest, and then your estrogen levels drop suddenly during your period. I don't know exactly why this imbalance causes our heads to pound while other women do okay with it.

What are the usual causes of migraine headaches?

Some of the most common causes of migraines are lack of food, lack of sleep, excessive heat, and excessive stress. If you have a family member who suffers from migraines, that also increases your chances.

what is migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, intense headaches often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine headaches typically cause severe pulsing or throbbing pain on one side of the head, but they can affect both sides. Migraines can last for hours to days and can be disabling. Some individuals may experience an "aura" before the headache, which includes visual disturbances, such as flashing lights or blind spots. Migraines can be triggered by various factors, including stress, certain foods, hormonal changes, and environmental factors. While there is no cure for migraines, various treatments, including medications, lifestyle modifications, and stress management techniques, can help manage the symptoms and reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

What are some symptoms of hypopituitarism?

Overall symptoms may include fatigue, sensitivity to cold, weakness, decreased appetite, weight loss and abdominal pain. Low blood pressure, headache and visual disturbances are other associated symptoms.

Can epilepsy cause the patient to suffer migraine symptoms?

Yes. People with seizure disorders often state they see or feel an "aura." Seizure aura can be similar to migraine aura, or they can vary widely - having to do more with feeling a certain feeling like fear or deja vu. There is a specific type of migraine variant called Migralepsy, during which patients with experience both migraine and seizures. For some people, the migraine is almost a warning sign of impending seizure.

Where can I get a list of gluten free foods?

WebMd is a great source for finding out more about Celiac disease amongst other causes of Gluten troubles. They will list you foods to avoid to prevent disturbances.

Can migraines couse colds?

It is usually the other way around.

What drug options are available for migraines or headaches?

I would just prefer Aspirin. This makes your blood thinner and therefore will help to will the blood flow to the head which causes headaches. I would also try to get some sleep give the Aspirin does not take effect. There are some other drug which you can take for long term migraines.