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your going to die, call an ambulance

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Q: Over a week late on your period and have spots of blood?
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If your late on your period do you bleed spots to show your pregnant?

no u will nit bleddd spots.The spots show that u most likely have a condition and need help

What does it mean to have dark red discharge a week after your period?

You are probably ovulating (releasing an egg). Many women get discharge mixed with blood during ovulation. It could just be old blood though that is left over from your period and it is coming out with discharge

What is late check out?

Late check out means over check out period time....

Brown coloured discharge 3 days late period pains that feel like period is coming?

Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.

What is a grayish purple solid during a late period?

Old blood, which is normal and very common.

What does it mean if the first day of your period is brown spotting now only light pink spotting?

My favorite usually last four days it came on which is only two brown spots on my pad that’s it no..

What does it mean when your period is late and it hurts passin urine?

well if your over 17 it is late i havent had mine want a

If you have little spots of blood when you are due on but come on a day late but have all the signs of being pregnant but have a nagative pregnancy test could you still be pregnant?

Probably not. You were just a day late. It's normal.

Your period is 7 days late and you took a blood test what are the chances that im preg?

Yes you could be, but a blood test might not work yet

Does Mars have a valcono?

No but your mom does when we make sweet sexy love on her bed late at night and when she explodes her period blood

When your period was late for 2 weeks.Then you have had blood in 2 days.Are you pregnant?

Yes, it sounds likely that you are. Take a test

1 week late with period and now have clumps of blood and skin Am i having a miscarriage?

Possibly, but you might be having your period. Go and see the doctor or midwife