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Q: Oxidation numbers are written as subscripts?
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Related questions

What are oxidation numbers are written as?

... as positive or negative numbers

What are oxidation numbers written in?

They are written in roman numerals

What do you write to name of a compound written as Cu0?

This is the formula for Copper (II) Oxide Copper has two possible oxidation numbers (+2 or +1) since there are no written subscripts for in the formula CuO, copper's oxidation number must have been +2 (If it had been +1, the formula would be Cu2O and the name of the compound woould be Copper (I) Oxide)

How are chemical formulas written do they use superscripts or subscripts?

Chemical formulas typically use subscripts to denote the number of atoms for each element present in a compound. The subscripts are written after the element symbol. Superscripts can be used for charges on ions, but not for indicating the number of atoms in a compound.

Why are subscripts in a chemical formula whole numbers?

Subscripts in a chemical formula are whole numbers because they represent the ratio of atoms in a compound. They indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound in the simplest whole number ratio. This is based on the law of constant composition, which states that a compound always contains the same elements in the same proportion by mass.

What is the oxidation numbers in PO34?

The oxidation numbers in PO3^4- are: P = +5 and O = -2. This is because the overall charge of the ion is -4, so the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal -4.

What is the sum of the oxidation numbers for P2O5?

The sum of the oxidation numbers for P2O5 is zero. In P2O5, the oxidation number for phosphorus is +5, and each oxygen atom has an oxidation number of -2. Since there are five oxygen atoms, the total sum of the oxidation numbers is 2(+5) + 5(-2) = 0.

Formula for ammonium nitrite?

NH4NO2 all numbers in subscripts

What is the formula to ammonium nitrite?

The chemical formula for ammonium nitrite is NH4NO2.

What is THE common oxidation number for tantalum?

It shows some oxidation numbers. Generally it shows +4 oxidation numbers.

Why are subscripts whole numbers?

Subscripts are usually used as a counter or an index. For example, Xn (where n is a subscript - this pathetic browser does not support subscripts) usually refers to the nth (it does not support superscripts either!) X in a sequence of Xs. Since they are counters they should belong to the set of counting numbers.

What is the term for the numbers that appear in the chemical formula of some compounds?
