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Parasympathetic innervation of the stomach is provided by the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is located in the brain and is also known as the pneumogastric nerve.

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Q: Parasympathetic innervation of the stomach is provided by?
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Does the skin receive parasympathetic innervation?

Skin structures get innervation from sympathetic out flow. But the neurotransmitter is acetylcholine. So functionally the nerve supply is parasympathetic.

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What is Dual innervation in terms of autonomic nervous system?

DUAL INNERVATION: One organ can receive impulses from both sympathetic and parasympathetic motor neurons (dual innervation); one division increases activity of organ, other division decreases activity of organ. While some organs are innervated by just one division, most vital organs receive dual innervation which means they receive instructions from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

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Preganglionic innervation is not provided to any organ. You get parasympathetic innervation to the said organs via tenth cranial nerve. Name of this nerve is vagus.

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Chewing Actually having food in the mouth Parasympathetic innervation due to thinking about food