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Q: Parts of stems that protect plants from animals?
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What part of stems protect plants from animals?

Leaves flowers and fruit

What is pubescence?

Its the time when puberty begins for people. For animals its when soft down or fine short hairs on the leaves and stems of plants or on various parts of animals or insects form.

What are three parts which most plants have?

stems roots and leaves

Are stems or other parts of the plant woody and rigid like a tree?

It is a plant stems are woody plants of tree so yes it is a plant ...

Where is chlorophill?

Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plant cells. It is primarily located in the thylakoid membranes within the chloroplasts, where it plays a crucial role in photosynthesis by capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy for the plant.

What is a rhyme for small parts of wild plants?

A rhyme for small parts of wild plants could be "buds and shoots, stems and roots."

Do Saguaro plants have green stems?

Saguaro plants have green stems.

Why do plants need stems?

the stem is how they get their water and the cycle produces

What parts of plants are most often preserved as fossils?

They are leaves stems roots and seeds I checked its in my book(:

What is the possessive form of plants?

The plural possessive form is plants'.The plants have stems. These are the plant's stems.

What plants have strong stems?

Sunflower and rose plants have woody and strong stems)

What animals do zebra eat?

None, they are herbivores.the zebra doesnt eat any animals its a hebovore