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delayed until past the time of bone marrow suppression and delayed wound healing

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Q: Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure should either be operated on expeditiously or?
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41) Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure should either be operated on expeditiously or .?


Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure should either be operated on expeditiously?

delayed until past the time of bone marrow suppression and delayed wound healing

What should happen to Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure?

delayed until past the time of bone marrow suppression and delayed wound healing

What is radiation exposure safety?

Radiation exposure safety is the process of preventing or minimizing exposure to radiation, and tracking what does occur.

What is another name for radiation exposure badges?

Badges used to measure exposure to ionizing radiation are usually called radiation dosimeter badges.

Radiation symtoms can result from a single exposure and are contagious?

While radiation symptoms can occur from a single, prolonged, exposure, the symptoms of radiation are not contagious.

What are the risks of nuclear radiation?

The exposure to nuclear radiation has many risks associated with it. Cancer, DNA mutations, and radiation poisoning can all occur with any level of radiation exposure.

What are safety precautions necessary as a radiographer?

The obvious hazard is to control your exposure to radiation- use the shields, use protective vests, etc, and to monitor your exposure to radiation (wear your film badge)- HOWEVER- there are other hazards that should not be overlooked. X Ray equipment operates at high voltages- electrical systems should be in good repair- prior to opening any electrical components, procedures for lockout/tagout must be followed. You have an exposure to strains/sprains in attempting to move or position patients, and well as slips and falls from liquids, body fluids, etc. You may have a BIOHAZARD exposure with patients, hypodermic needles, etc. You may have an exposure to chemical hazards from film developing machinery, and an exposure to assault from patients- trauma cases may involve intoxicated persons, patients in great pain, etc.

Can your baby die of radiation exposure?

Yes. Depending on the length of the exposure, radiation can sicken or kill any human.

Identify THREE reasons a person may develope radiation sickness?

repeated exposures to both high-energy radiation and high levels of fallout exposure to high levels of fallout a single exposure to high-energy radiation

What are 3 reasons radiation sickness varies?

Radiation sickness varies depending upon duration of exposure, whether it was an internal or external exposure, and the dosage of radiation.

Can pregnant women undergo EP study?

Pregnant patients should not undergo an EP study because of exposure to radiation during the study, which may be harmful to the growing baby