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These include cancer of the colon, rectum, stomach (gastric cancer), esophagus, liver, or pancreas. It is also used with cancers of the breast, lung, or prostate.

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Q: Patients with what forms of cancer are often given the CEA test?
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What forms of cancer do you risk increasing by smoking often?

lung cancer

What are some emotional effects on cancer patients?

Cancer often makes people afraid because of all of the stories they hear about cancer- the awful treatments, and that it's incurable. (Most forms of cancer are at least sometimes curable.) Also, it makes people feel inadequate because it's a disease that came out of themselves, and not from a microbe or virus.

What is an antigen tumor marker that is often elevated in patients with colon cancer?

carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

What is often given to patients before laser skin resurfacing?

Before the procedure begins, medication is often given to relax the patient and reduce pain.

What are appetite-enhancing drugs?

A diverse group of medications given to prevent undesired weight loss in the elderly and in patients suffering from such diseases as AIDS and cancer, which often result in wasting of the body's muscle tissue as well as overall weight loss.

Can Crohns Disease turn to Cancer?

Yes. Some studies have shown as much as a five times increased risk in the development of intestinal cancer in patients with Crohns disease as compared to the general population. This should not make you panic however. More than 90% of IBD patients never develop cancers and because of the increased testing done on bowel disease patients those who do develop cancers are almost always caught early and survival rates are better than those who are not diagnosed as early.

What is the purpose of cancer wigs?

Cancer patients go through a treatment which will often cause them to have hair loss. So as a result of this, companies make special wigs for them to wear to suffice for their hair.

Does cancer exist or is it just a major cover up?

Cancer,most certainly exists. It is the name given to a serious disease, often fatal.

What type of gastrectomy is done for cancer?

Removal of the tumor, often with removal of the surrounding lymph nodes, is the only curative treatment for various forms of gastric (stomach) cancer.

What precautions need to be taken when doing transhepatic biliary catheterization?

Patients who need transhepatic biliary catheterization often suffer from additional complications of their cancer. Because of the likelihood of bleeding from the liver, this procedure should not be done on patients who.

What kinds of uterine cancer are there?

two primary forms, cervical and endometrial. Cancer of the cervix most often affects the neck of the cervix or the opening or the opening into the uterus from the vagina. Endometrial cancer affects the inside lining of the uterus.

What are common immunosuppressant drugs given to liver transplant patients?

Prednisone, azathioprine, and tacrolimus are often combined with cyclosporine for better results.