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Q: Pellagra was first seen in populations where the dietary staple was?
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What famous cities are in Canada?

Depends what you consider famous. Toronto and Montreal are first, no doubt, both wil long histories and the greatest populations. After that, there is Ottawa (the capital) and Vancouver, roughly followed by Quebec City, Calgary, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Halifax, Victoria, yada yada yada.

How do movie theaters make the distinction between those with higher and lower price elasticities of demand?

The larger cities with the highest populations are the ones that set their movie prices first (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.). These are called "First Tier" cities. The rest of the countries base their prices on what the larger cities are charging, what the population is in their area, how much the competition charges, and what amenities a specific theater has.

Do South Africans have middle names?

Yes. Amongst the white population, this is still a remnant of the European ancestry, whereas among the traditional African populations, the first name is a name in their own language and the second name is an English (aka Christian or "teaching") name, which is a remnant of the old days when white people refused to use the "natives'" African names or when African names were considered "too difficult" to learn.

What movie has the song boogie shoes in the soundtrack?

Boogie Shoes" was a popular song released in 1975 on the self-titled album KC and the Sunshine Band by the disco group KC and the Sunshine Band. The song became a hit when it appeared on the Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack in 1977. The song is still heard on radio stations today as a disco-era staple.

What year was Lego Star Wars made?

Lego Star Wars is already out! It's been around for over a decade, where have you been?! (Only joking). You can buy Lego Star Wars off, Amazon, and don't forget eBay is a great option for older sets!

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What comes first community or populations?

Populations come first before communities. Populations are a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area, while communities are made up of various populations interacting with each other in a specific habitat.

What happens if you get pellagra?

its something to do with your breathing.Pellagra is a deficiency disease that is due to a lack of the vitamin niacin or a substance called tryptophan. The disease mainly affects people in poor countries who eat a diet based on maize. Symptoms of pellagra range from nervous system issues, like confusion or delusions, to skin issues and internal problems, such as diarrhea.. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the origin of the name pellagra derives from the Italian words pelle and agra, which mean rough skin. First described in Europe in poor peasant populations after the introduction of maize to the continent, the disease spread wherever maize...

What was the first staple crop in America?


How do you staple jelly to a tree?

Yes, you can. You could put it in a plastic bag and staple it to a tree.

When was the staple gun invented?

There is no exact date that the staple gun was invented. However, the very first staple gun was made for King Louis XV of France in the early 18th century.

What was the first food staple to be rationed in world war 2?


What is the first staple food for a filipino and when you delete the first letter it becomes cold?

The answer to the riddle is "rice."

What came first the paper clip or the staple?

The staple came first in the 1830's, where the actual paperclip didn;t come around, or at least was not patented until the later 1800's - about 1899.

What was the first step in Dr Goldberger's research into pellagra?

Looking at the southern people's diet and how it was a horrible diet, which made him think that pellagra is caused by a lack of nutrition

How good are Bare Fruit snacks?

As always, when choosing to introduce a new food staple into your diet, you should check the ingredients list first. Bare fruit is nut, gluten, and preservative free, and is baked rather than fried. For most people's dietary needs, Bare Fruit snacks are a healthy and convenient option.

Who invented the staple?

The first stapler in recorded history was from the 18th century France. The first handmade stapling machines or fasteners are attributed to having been developed for King Louis XV of France in the 1295 Each staple was inscribed with the insignia of the royal court, as required As says wiki.

What was the first step in drgoldberger's research into pellagra?

his first step was 2 change the peoples diets