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Q: Pensi che blerta cia cosi brutto che se vi vede allo specchio quest ultimo si rompe?
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Pensi che sia più intelligente di te in Italian means "You think he/she is more intelligent than you" in English.

What is 'What do you think you're doing' when translated from English to Italian?

literally Cosa pensi che stai facendo?

What is the Italian translation of 'What do you think about that'?

Che ne pensi is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "What do you think about that?"Specifically, the interrogative pronoun che means "what." The partitive ne means "about it, about that, about this." The verb pensi means "(informal singular you) are thinking, do think, think."The pronunciation is "keh neh PEHN-see."

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"Do you think I'm sexy?" in English is Pensi che io sono sexy? in Italian.

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cosa ne pensi di me is the translation in Italian Language. It is the fifth most taught language. It has more than 65 million native speakers.

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Thanks to my friend's actually very fair that you think like this. It is Italian.

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Le domandai:"Quando pensi di riportare questo libro alla biblioteca?". Mi guardò è mi rispose: " Non so.penso di farlo quando avrò tempo.forse la settimana prossima".

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'How about learning Italian'?

Che ne pensi d'imparare italiano? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "How about learning Italian?"Specifically, the interrogative che is "what?" The partitive ne means "about/of/on it" in this context. The verb pensi means "(informal singular you) are thinking, do think, think". The dependent preposition di* literally means "of". The present infinitive imparare means "to learn". The masculine noun italiano translates as "Italian (language)" in this context.The pronunciation will be "key** ney PEHN-see DEEM-pah-RAH-rey EE-tah-LYAH-noh" in Italian.*The vowel drops -- and is replaced by an apostrophe -- before a verb which begins with a vowel.**The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation "hey!"

How to use have or has with singular and plural nouns?

When you talk about 1 or more person/animal (plural noun). One or more object described/posessed or when you use the word I you tend to use the word: have.Eg:We have black hairThe cats have pointed ears (Note: you can also use the word had for the past tense)I have lots of pensI have a sisterI have a beautiful ringWhy do you have a ring? (the ring is being posessed by someone)When you talk about a person/animal (singular noun). One object described you use the word has.Eg:She has a hairbandHe has a red carMy grandma has a jumperMy mum has made a cake finallyincorrect---> I has a catincorrect---> My grandma have a jumper

What are the lyrics to 'C'è sempre un motivo' by Adriano Celentano when translated from Italian to English?

"There's always a reason" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase C'è sempre un motivo. The masculine singular declarative statement most famously references the same-worded song title by Milan-born disco, pop, and rock musician and singer/songwriter. Adriano Celentano (born January 6, 1938). The song in question's lyrics translate from Italian to English as follows:If I laugh, when I cry, there'll be a reason -- Se rido se piango ci sarà un motivo.When I think, if I sing, I feel more alive -- Se penso se canto mi sento più vivo.Whether I win, whether I lose, I get back into the game -- Se vinco se perdo rientra nel gioco.But at the end of the line it's enough for me that you're thinking a little bit about me --Ma in fondo mi basta che mi pensi un poco.If I look, when I feel, it's because I believe it -- Se guardo se sento è perchè ci credo.When I speak and listen, it's because I see it --Se parlo e ascolto è perchè ci vedo.Now if you think that I'm satisfied -- Adesso se pensi che sono appagatoyou've made a mistake. I'm not finished yet! -- Hai fatto un errore non ho ancora finito!When I show louder, it's to make myself heard -- Se grido più forte è per farmi sentire.And then I know myself: I don't have a liking for lying -- E poi mi conosci, non amo mentire.If I again seek the shortest route -- Se cerco ancora la strada più breveI work by night, I've given you proof of it (all) -- Lavoro di notte, ne ho date di prove.And I walk (and) walk when the sun's out -- E cammino cammino quando il sole è vicino.And I clench (my) teeth when you don't hear me -- E stringo i denti quando tu non mi senti.And I try to be a bit calmer -- E cerco di stare un pò più tranquillo(even) when life wants me to waver -- se intorno la vita mi vuole che oscillo.And I walk (and) walk. I go towards tomorrow -- E cammino cammino vado incontro al domani.I feel stronger when I hold your hands -- Mi sento più forte se ti tengo le mani.And I'm trying and I'm inventing myself. I'm shaking life up -- E cerco e o m'invento, stravolgo la vitabecause you aren't saying this time that it's over -- perché tu non dica stavolta è finita.When I think, if I speak, there's always a reason -- Se penso se dico c'è sempre un motivo.And sometimes I pull away. It's because I don't agree -- E a volte mi estraneo è perchè non approvo.And I search for words which give more meaning -- E cerco parole che diano più senso.Wait a minute! Now I'm thinking about it -- Aspetta un momento! Adesso ci penso. There it is! They're (all) there. There's always a reason -- Ecco! Ci sono! C'è sempre un motivo.Sometimes hidden, sometimes intuitive -- A volte nascosto a volte intuitivoit depends upon chance or it's already written -- dipende dal caso oppure è già scritto.And now for example I don't know if I'm waiting for you -- Ed ora ad esempio non so se ti aspetto.And I walk (and) walk when the sun's out -- E cammino cammino quando il sole è vicino.And I clench (my) teeth when you don't hear me -- E stringo i denti quando tu non mi senti.And I try to be a bit calmer -- E cerco di stare un pò più tranquillowhen life around me wants me to waver -- se intorno la vita mi vuole che oscillo.And I walk (and) walk towards tomorrow -- E cammino cammino vado incontro al domani.I feel stronger when I'm holding your hands -- Mi sento più forte se ti tengo le mani.And I'm trying and I'm inventing myself, I'm shaking life up -- E cerco e m'invento, stravolgo la vitabecause you're not saying this time that it's over -- perché tu non dica stavolta è finita.When I think and if I feel a bit more nervous -- Se penso e mi sento un pò più nervosoit's just a moment which smacks of boredom -- è solo un momento che sa di noioso.Then it passes on, then it comes back. I don't know how to say (it) -- Poi passa poi torna non so come dire(but) there's always a reason...for coming back (in order) to understand -- c'è sempre un motivo...per tornare a capire.