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Q: People do not believe lies because they have to but because they want to?
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Why do people choose to believe in god?

People choose to believe in God because people want to have somebody to back them up always no matter what happens. They choose to believe in god because they want to be excepted and god will never unexcept them. People also believe in god because they want to know how everything was made (the universe etc.) in a logical explination.

Why do people doubt?

Because He doesn't do what they want, or say what they want, or give them what they want. Or they simply do not believe. They don't believe what The Bible says.

Why do people doubt god?

Because He doesn't do what they want, or say what they want, or give them what they want. Or they simply do not believe. They don't believe what the Bible says.

Why does the google assistant lie about certain things?

It lies because the people who made it, they want you to think they can help you.

Why Do People Come Up With Lies?

People often come up with lies because they do not want to get caught after they have done something wrong. They think that if they lie about it, everything will be ok. But that is not always the best solution.

Why did God create people who do not believe in Him?

God did not purposefully create people who would not believe in Him. He created people, and let them use their judgment to see if they will belive in Him. The reason God gave them the option to believe or not believe in Him in the first place was because He did not want people in His Kingdom that would not choose to believe in Him. He gave people the choice to believe in Him or not, and the entire reasoning is because He did not want non-believers in His Kingdom (Heaven).

What do you call a person who lies to themselves to believe what they want?

A person who lies to themselves or twists the truth is called a 'denier.'

Why do some people like to protest?

Because they want to stand up for what they believe in.

Why don't people sometimes not want to believe the apparent truth?

Because they want to retain proir knowledge.

Why do people find it hard to believe in life after death?

Because we don't want to believe that people like Hitler or George Bush get to "live Again"

Why does tom let people believe the lie about him?

they don't want enyone to know him. he is very seceretive.there is a different person inside him.all the lies that people say about him is not true but thats the way he likes it

Why would a boyfriend make little white lies all the time when you don't believe he is cheating?

because he really is cheating u just want to deni it and you want to believe him but guess are really stupid and idiotic don't watse your time questioning yourself