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it depends... being 'hyper' isn't really a term and it can be ued in a lot of ways.

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Q: People say Alice Cullen is hyper is that a learning disability?
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Alice Cullen is hyper isn't that a learning disability?

not really, the word 'hyper' can be used many ways and it's usually not the cause of a learning disability

How hyper Alice Cullen is isn't that a learning disability and is it adhd?

Alice Cullen's hyperactivity is not due to a learning disability. In the Twilight series, she is portrayed as having a natural exuberance and energy. It is not explicitly stated that she has ADHD.

Why is Alice Cullen hyper isn't that like a learning disability?

simply being hyper is not a learning disability. haven't you ever known any naturally hyper people that didn't have a disorder? That's just her thing. something has to balance out Jasper's ultra sensitive negative emotions sensor.

Why do people say Alice Cullen is hyper and is it like a learning disability in someway?

haven't you ever known any naturally hyper people that didn't have a disorder? That's just her thing. something has to balance out Jasper's ultra sensitive negative emotions sensor.

Why do people say Alice Cullen is hyper is'NT that like a type of learning disability in some way?

First of all Alice Cullen isn't hyper so i don't know why everyone is saying that, she just gets over enthusiastic about stuff. second of all being hyper isn't a learning diability, it just means you have alot of energy nd end up doing odd stuff or talking way to much or stuff like that.

Does Alice Cullen from twilight like people call her by her real name Mary Alice Brandon Cullen or does she just like Alice or Alice Cullen better?

Er,umm don't know..........give me a minute i gotta go pee

Can Alice Cullen see?

Yes. Alice Cullen can see.

What is Alice Cullen's skill?

seeing what people decide and what will happen

Alice Cullen full name?

Mary Alice Brandon Cullen

What is Alice's full name?

Human:Mary Alice BrandonVampire:Mary Alice Cullen

What Alice cullens name?

Er... one would assume that Alice Cullen's name is ... Alice Cullen?

Who is a climatologists?

Alice Cullen Biological Name: Mary Alice Brandon Cullen